Chapter 43: A glimpse of the past

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A memory of 6 years ago, ZARKON'S MAIN SHIP. 

My memories are blurred of that day, the galra tampering with my mind didn't do me any favours. I remember how the day started though, everything was how it always was. But just a little brighter, I still had a small sliver of hope back then. All because of her. But...what was her name? That memory fails me still. 

I remember how I hadn't seen her that day, or night, I never knew what time of day it was, I remember how the loud, crashing sound of sentries' feet blasted through my ears like bombs. Fear filled every inch of me, whenever anyone came to my cell, it was either to beat me, or take me to the arena to fight to the death. This time I recall them kicking me, only a few times, until my head pounded and my stomach heaved with pain, but then they dragged me out of my cell. The smell of blood penetrated my nose as they dragged my across the cold, hard ground towards a fated reunion. 

They dropped me on the ground, my hand catching my weight as I crashed onto the ground. Everything was still dark and silent underneath my blindfold, but I knew the room was tense, an ominous tension, one I never want to feel again. I remember his cold, callous voice shredding through the tension. 

ZARKON: "Remove her blindfold." His voice made me shiver in the darkness only I could see. 

The sentries grabbed me, hauled me from the ground and yanked the blindfold from my shaking face, blasts of light crashed into my eyes, one after another, my eyes closed with the intense beauty of the unknown, something I'd never seen. Or at least,  I didn't remember seeing before that moment. 

Y/N: "What is-"

ZARKON: "Silence! Who gave you permission to talk?!" His voice was corrupted and shrill in my ears, my eyes watering from the overwhelming light and sound. 

I stayed silent, I waited for my naïve eyes to adjust to the bright lights around me. I almost wish I'd kept my eyes shut, for what I saw next, is forever etched into my memories. The one thing the galra couldn't erase from my memories through all their experiments. 

ZARKON: "Lotor, are you prepared?" I stared at the girl that sat cold and shivering on the ground in front of me, her eyes as cold as the room around us. 

LOTOR: "Yes father." I shifted my gaze to the Emperor's son, Lotor, who stood unwavering and steady by his father's side. I remember in that moment, when I looked at him, I could feel his fear, I still don't understand what he feared.

ZARKON: "Maybe once we remove any distractions, she will finally reveal the secrets she holds to so dear," he lifted his finger, pointing at the girl who had stayed by me before this moment, her name still fails to come to me, "Kill her." I gasped, looking at Zarkon, his yellow, tainted eyes were empty, showing no signs of remorse or guilt. 

LOTOR: "As you wish, father." Lotor moved towards her, his blade unsheathed in his steady hand. 

Y/N: "Wait, please! Don't do this!" 

ZARKON: "Silence! Lotor, do it."

I watched as he brought his sword down, striking her in the chest. I remember screaming, crying out as her eyes turned lifeless and still, she slumped to the ground, I remember how even in her last moments, she smiled at me. Whispering something under her breath. 

Lotor moved towards me, his bloodied sword dragging along the floor, a shrill scraping noise following his every step. His blade was pressed against my neck, inches away from drawing blood. 

LOTOR: "Now that you are truly alone, you have nothing more to cling to, or live for, tell us your secrets." His voice was as calloused as his father's, both cut from the same cloth. 

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