Chapter 47: The Legend Begins

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After my encounter with Lotor, I've been a little weak, but I've put up a strong front to seem okay in front of everyone else. It's been a few days since I was injured, it nearly killed me and I know that but I survived and that's what matters. So now I can get back to helping the others. 

Everyone is crowded around Pidge's seat, her face is illuminated with light from the screen in front of her. I lean against her chair, my bandaged side aching dully, putting off my balance. 

PIDGE: "He fought us here, his generals were here and he stole the comet here." She points at different markers on the map. 

LANCE: "So... Lotor could be anywhere."

SHIRO: "We'll never be able to find him unless we can figure out his plan. We're totally missing the big picture."

PIDGE: "How about this question: why was Voltron made out of the same material as that comet? What's so special about it?" 

All of the worries, pain and memories flooding through me is making my head spin, so I back away from the conversation, leaning on a nearby wall so I can still hear what they're saying. I stare up at the ceiling, holding my side as the dull ache continues to spread through me. 

Ever since I was near that comet, my memories and visions have been getting more vivid, closer to me so maybe I'll finally regain them from my past. Something turns like a switch in my head, an idea, my father, if I can find him again, maybe I can ask him. 

I close my eyes, honing in on any powers I can reach, I manage to grasp onto my Altean lineage, hopefully that will lead me to my father. When I open my eyes I'm near a river, it's a vibrant hue of violet, flowing calmy through a meadow of blooming blue flowers, reaching out into the horizon. This must be the place. 

RYNE: "How have you been daughter?" I turn around to see my father sitting on the grass behind me, his long, white hair drifting in the breeze. 

Y/N: "It's so good to see you again." I reach for my side but my injury is no longer there.

RYNE: "In here, nothing can harm you. Come sit with me." I sit beside him, the cool breeze wafting away my worries.

Y/N: "Where exactly are we?"

RYNE: "Isn't it obvious?" I stare at him blankly, he chuckles, "This is your mind."

Y/N: "My mind is more organized than I expected."

RYNE: "This is only one small part, where I reside."

Y/N: "Wait, how are you in my mind?"

RYNE: "When I passed, your mother used her last ounce of magic to send my soul here, sounds creepier than it is."
Y/N: "I'm just glad you're here."

RYNE: "So, what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

Y/N: "I came to ask you about where I come from." 

His face remains calm, trustworthy. He smiles, looking up at the sky. 

RYNE: "This mindscape, where we are right now, Is the planet where you were born," I look at him shocked, "Planet Comar."

Y/N: "But Comar..."

RYNE: "Comar is the name of a wicked experiment the druids use, to destroy planets. But before then, it was our home."

Y/N: "I wish I could remember more."

RYNE: "You don't remember it?" I shake my head, he lifts his hand to my forehead, a spark of magic causing a reaction in my head. In what seems like a lifetime, memories flood through the emptiness I used to have. 

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