Chapter 55: A calling

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Dusted books laying across untouched shelves, cob webs entangled amongst the years of knowledge and memories crammed into one room. A dim light flickers above as I turned it on, a faint ringing stirring the silence. Scanning across the hundreds of books, no titles stuck out to me, I stepped on the creaking, wobbly ladder as I looked at the higher shelves, wafting away layers of dust to vaguely see the names of long forgotten books and records. 

I climbed higher, every step the ladder shook more, I lifted a box off the top shelf, coughing as mountains of dust fell off the top. I slowly climbed down to the floor, mindful of every step as the ladder quaked under my weight. Sat on the floor, surrounded by 10,000 years full of knowledge, I opened up the box, seeing a few stained, wrinkled books stacked on top of each other. I lifted one out, dusting off the cover to see a name written in the right corner of the dampened blue colour. 'Project Voltron.'

I turned to the first page, seeing King Alfor's messy handwriting covering every inch of the page, notes scratched all over it, ideas overflowing as I turned the page. Diagrams of panels and designs stretched into the margin, labelled with scientific and alchemic words I barely understood. As I placed the book aside, I reached for the book buried underneath the others, its cover a darkened red, with King Alfor's name embedded on the front in a curly, gold font. I turned to the first page, scanning across his lines and lines of writing. This one was his diary, as he was making the lions of Voltron. I flicked through the pages, landing on a page near the end where his writing seemed more rushed and scattered. 

I have officially finished building the five lions of Voltron, I intended for the five paladins I searched for to choose their lions however, it appears along with being incredibly powerful, the lions have some kind of conscious of their own and chose their own paladins. It's truly incredible.

It seems everything was normal, but as for the last page, he seems confused more than anything else. 

Something strange has been going on with the lions, it's like I could hear the red lion communicating with me, I knew they were scientifically advanced for our time but I never intended for them to be some kind of magical phenomenon. I asked the citizens of Comar about comets and ores but they knew nothing of these goings on. I have been trying to figure out what the red lion is telling me, all I know is it's searching for something. The other four paladins have been hearing the same thing, Zarkon said the black lion has some kind of special control I never added to it, like it built itself, like there's a piece of the lion missing. 

Something missing from the black lion? How is that possible? Shiro and Keith never mentioned anything about a control, maybe we haven't 'unlocked' it yet.

I finally figured out what the lions are searching for, but it's not what I expected. In fact, one could deem it simply an impossible notion, the lions are searching for another lion. The white lion. However, I never created such a lion, there are supposed to be only five lions, yet it would explain why the black lion feels a piece missing, it is the head of Voltron. I find myself bewildered by what I've found out now, the red lion communicated that the white lion doesn't exist yet, as if it is yet to be created, but I have no intention on creating another lion. Perhaps it is someone else that will take up this task, they will be a skilled alchemist at that, I will leave the future of Voltron in their hands, whoever this mysterious creator may, or will be. -King Alfor

A white lion? Yet to be created? And an alchemist... None of this makes sense, how could the lions know something that hasn't happened yet? Unless, it's because of the comet? My people got their abilities from the comet, most commonly, premonitions, which I inherited. And the lions were made from a similar if not identical comet. So they saw a white lion, in the future. And maybe the alchemist who will make it... is me. Maybe Allura knows about this, but I should be discreet, in case I'm wrong.

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