Chapter 51: Merging

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Thunder rolling among the storm sealed inside me, I'd never noticed it before I started looking for it. I can feel bolts of lightning crashing against the wires of alchemy. When I opened my eyes, my surrounding were dark, small stars shining among the nothingness. I slowly stood up, ripples of water pooling around my feet, electricity shocking through the misty air around me. Above me were dark, violent clouds intertwined with percussive, chaotic, crimson lightning bolts striking to an old tune. As I stared at the ferocious storm, a memory collected among the chaos, I was standing alone in a place exactly like this, though I was much younger, before me was my mother, her crimson eyes piercing the plane of darkness. Her voice was calm and soft in the echoing silence, "Don't try to control the order of nature. Become a part of it." Those were her words, resonating among the crashing storm above. 

I watched as the storm kept on raging, I sat down on the floating pool of water, ripples colliding against me. Crossing my legs, I took one last glance at the storm, closing my eyes. I let memories crash against the raging storm inside me, remembering all the times I couldn't help, I stood by, watching my friends get hurt, all the times I could've helped if I had control over my dangerous, stolen powers. I thought about my sister, all she stood before, all that was taken away from her, I thought about the paladins, Coran, Allura, and all of those who had their lives and freedom taken away by Zarkon, by Lotor, by the Empire. Anger welled inside me, grasping onto the powers inside me, bringing them together, I saw lightning, blindingly striking around me, but I didn't try to stop it, I let it rage on, I let the cool sensation of alchemy ripple through the water around me, not colliding with the lightning but bonding with it. The power the comet gave me, acting as a clasp, holding my powers together, welding them into one. I open my eyes, feeling my eyes swirling with burning crimson and cooling purple, welded by a neutral blue, my hair flowing a long, silvery white, my true self, what that part of me told me. I lifted myself from the water, standing, facing the storm raging above me, I held out my hand, letting both powers fusing together, calling the storm to a halt, I watch as the lightning falls from the sky down to my fingertips, burning them but being soothed by the cooling sensation of alchemy, crimson bolts integrating with purple wires of alchemy. 

I did it. I merged them together. I can finally help Voltron, and take down the empire. No one has to lost their freedom anymore. 

When I come back to reality, the sun is rising again, how long was I out for?  I haul myself from the ground, breathing in the dusk air, staring out at the galaxies far away. My pearly white hair swaying with the gentle breeze, strands of red hair intertwining among the pure white. I bring up the screen, 20 missed calls from the paladins and the blades? It's... it's been a month. How is that even possible? Honestly, I'm not even surprised, I just spoke to a hologram of a dead person, fought an evil part of myself and got struck by hundreds of bolts of lightning. I bring up a call with the paladins, waiting for their response as I jump back into my pod, taking in a last breath of fresh air. I pull my hood over my hair, making sure it's hidden. 

Y/N: "Paladins are you there?"

PIDGE: "Y/N you're alive! Where have you been?"

Y/N: "Space, but more importantly, why did you guys call me 20 times? What's happened?" They all looks at each other, distraught looks carrying along their faces, "Spit it out. What is it." My heart is pounding as I wait for one of them to speak.

LANCE: "It's Zarkon, he's alive and he gathered entire fleets in one area, we don't know why." 

Y/N: "I'll be there in a few tics." I end the call, the pod rises from the ground, boosting into the atmosphere, I take one last look at the remnants of my planet before flying off through the galaxy. 

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