Chapter 46: Tailing a Comet

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 LANCE: "All right, team, I've got my eye on the targets," Lance moves his blaster around, monitoring the guards, "I'll cover you from up he-" Before he can shoot Keith slashes the guards in half, "Hey, Keith, I had that guy!" He watches as Keith destroys all the guards but one which Lance blasts as quick as he can. 

HUNK: "They're still coming!" More guards rush in from the corridor of the galra base, Lance quickly shoots the controls for the door and it shuts on a guard, leaving the guards helpless on the other side. 

Y/N: "Well done, Lance, that's our sharp shooter." I smile at him, he chuckles, keeping an eye on the guards that remain in the room. 

I stand behind him, searching the room for any other entrances. Lance shifts his focus to Allura who is surrounded by guards, he doesn't have to shoot them since Allura obliterates them with her new bayard. The guards fall to a broken heap on the ground. 

LANCE: "Well, that was awesome!"

The other paladins stand steady at the control panel on the other side of the room, holding their shields to block the blasts from the remaining guards. 

HUNK: "Pidge could you maybe hurry it up a little?"

Pidge is typing rapidly, trying to shut off the system, the others struggling to defend themselves and Pidge against the guards. 

PIDGE: "Almost..." she keeps typing, watching the download bar move what seems like millimetres, finally it flashes red, "There!"  Everything powers down and the guards fall to the ground in a lifeless heap. 

Lance and I jump down from the ledge, watching the base shut down. 

KEITH: "Great job, Pidge." 

PIDGE: "That's the last outpost in this quadrant." 

KEITH: "Call the blade of Marmora, let them know this base is cleared." 

A few hours after we returned from our mission, Keith and I go to Shiro's room, his hair is long and ragged. He looks better than when we found him though. 

SHIRO: "I don't know. The last thing I remember was Zarkon trying to overtake the Black lion. It told me to use my bayard. Then, just nothing. I woke up, and I was back on a Galra ship." He looks sorrowful, clenching his fists. 

KEITH: "Well, you'd just unlocked the Black lion's ability to teleport. Could it have teleported you? Maybe it was trying to save you." Keith looks just as sorrowful, the tired creases under his eyes showing his lack of sleep.

SHIRO: "By teleporting me into the hands of the Galra?" 

KEITH: "Maybe Zarkon forced it to. He was trying to control the black lion up until the very last moment, right?"

SHIRO: "Yeah, maybe."

Y/N: "Well, if you're feeling up to it, the rest of the team would be thrilled to see you up and around again." 

KEITH: "They need you, you know."

SHIRO: "Yeah, I'll try."

KEITH: "Okay, We'll be on the bridge."

We start to walk out of the door, I can feel the sense of worry and stress in the room.

SHIRO: "Hey, you two?"

KEITH+Y/N: "Yeah?" We turn around before we leave.

SHIRO:" How many times are you gonna have to save me before this is over?"

Keith looks at me, and I nod approvingly, knowing exactly what he's thinking. 

KEITH: "As many times as it takes."

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