Chapter 3.5 : A Winners Privileges

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As we had agreed upon the game of poker. A bleeping sound began to work and could be heard very well. Then 2 armed people with suits came and asked us to come with them. They took us to a casino like place with many gambling sort of games. There we were led to a table to play poker on it. As we both sat down over at the table looking at each other. He smiled thinking he had won already. He then talked about something. He said that his ability was to luck. He stated that he would win this game no matter what the situation was. Yet I was ready to win here. Two cards were dealed to each player by the dealer and both of us had 5 antes. The game had started. Before the game continued I crumpled the corner of every card I had. I had a suspicion about his ability. As time went on I noticed a detail. He had one of my cards. Then I got it. His ability is to switch objects. That was tricky but I decided not to reveal hsi secret. After all cheating matters only if you’re caught. So I decided to use my sleight of hand, the game went on and I raised all 5 of the ante I had. He as well did this meaning the game was depending on the cards we had on our hands right now. We both had 5 cards and with a smile on his face he placed down the cards saying the words : «straight flush». I smiled. You could even call my smile at that moment Satan’s grin. I placed down my cards. I remained silent and let his eyes see it. A royal flush. Of course I cheated. But if you have no way to prove it then I still won. Then a speaker in the room spoke : «Kobashigawa Kumiko has won this game, Shiro Shiro has lost, please make your request of Shiro Shiro Kumiko.» I then looked at Shiro in a face of pure horror. And then after thinking a bit I said my request of Shiro who has lost the game «become my comrade in this hell» of course he wouldn’t return in the games. But he would be helping me out as an equal, maybe I would be a little above him, kind of like a boss. He then looked at me and he smiled like a child.
-Shiro- «You DO love me Kumiko-Chan!» he yelled
-Me- I looked at him shocked and with a hint of disappointment, I sighed «no»
-Shiro- «oh… I see…. Well alright then I suppose I will be moving on. As a tool for you am I right?»
-Me- «more or less. You’re fun and I would not wanna lose you. Plus I can read people like books and I know you would be a loyal friend Shiro-kun»
-Shiro- «alright. Got it»
Afterwards the two guards grabbed us both and took us to a door. They told us to go inside it and we both went in. First thing we heard was from a speaker «Congratulations Kobashigawa Kumiko! You have passed the first part of our little games! Gooood luck!» all I thought after what I heard was that the guy in the speaker was either tired or retarded. We walked inside and there were two hallways. Two white signs on each one and one said boys dorm and the other girls dorm. We both started going towards the boys dorm until Shiro grabbed my shoulder and told me a bit shocked I went that way «uuuuhhh Kumiko-Chan. The girls dorm is that way…» oh yeah…. I’m a girl…. I got a bit embarrassed since I hate being wrong but I snapped out of it immediately and answered calmly «yeah sorry I must’ve gotten confused» and I started going to the girls dorm. Me and Shiro said goodbye for now since these dorms are probably there for us to stay until the next tests or games. Maybe the place where we go after the games I don’t know. As I was walking down that hallway my mind was filled with thoughts.
Huh… I’m a…. Girl now aren’t I… I have to go to that dorm… that sure is new… I hope no problems will arise from that. To be honest I’ll be sure to see many new things. I’ll just  have to pretend everything is normal and all will be fine. After a while I reached a door and I entered through it and went in the girls dorm.

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