Ch. 15 - Selene to the Rescue

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Dear Selene,

Thank you for keeping in touch with me this summer. It's the only thing keeping me sane from being with the Dursleys.

I've been writing Sirius, too, trying to keep him updated as well. I still think it's crazy to find out all of the sudden that I have godparents. It definitely keeps the Dursleys on their toes. They're terrified that you both will show up out of nowhere to set them straight. I wouldn't mind if you did that.

Did I tell you that the Weasleys invited me to go to the Quidditch World Cup with them? Ron's dad got the tickets! I haven't asked Uncle Vernon to go yet, but I think I could convince him with the help of you and Sirius.

Something weird happened this morning. I woke up with my scar hurting. Last time that happened, Voldemort was at Hogwarts. I wonder if that's a usual thing with curse scars. What do you think?

Can't wait to hear back,


Selene would've liked to say that Harry had absolutely no reason to worry, but the fact that his scar was hurting him made her feel uneasy. Last time it hurt him, it could have very well been a coincidence, but she couldn't help but think that they had another troublesome year ahead of them. However, she was determined not to fret, especially since she currently found herself standing before Number Four Privet Drive, ready to pick up Harry.

She tucked Harry's letter back into the pocket of her jeans, approaching the front door of Harry's aunt and uncle's house. She rapped on the door loudly, taking in the sight of the house. It really was pretty... but it was almost too pretty.

The door opened quickly, and Selene was soon face-to-face with her godson.

"Selene?" he asked, his eyes wide.

"Hiya, Harry!" she said brightly, pulling him into a tight hug.

Harry returned it happily. "I thought the Weasleys were coming to get me! I didn't know you would be here!"

"It was a surprise!" Selene said, a big smile on her face. "The other part of the surprise is that I'm coming with you to the Quidditch World Cup!"

Harry grinned. "Seriously? Neat!"

"I know, I'm so excited," Selene said. "Molly and Arthur invited me to come so that I could spend some time with my godson."

Harry continued to grin at her, standing in the doorway of Number Four Privet Drive.

Selene awkwardly bounced from one foot to the other. "May I come in?"

"Oh! Right, yeah, of course."

Harry stepped to the side, allowing Selene to pass him into the house.

The inside of the house was just as neat as the outside. Every surface sparkled, and there wasn't a speck of dust to be seen.

How boring.

Selene entered the sitting room, Harry on her heels. A large man with very little neck wearing a crisp suit stood stiffly by the fireplace, while a skinny blonde woman with a very long neck and a stout boy with thick blonde hair sat on the sofa. They all stared when she entered.

"You!" Petunia shrieked when she saw Selene, waving her finger in her direction.

"Yes, me," Selene said, narrowing her eyes at the woman who was Lily's sister. She had only met her once, and she had hoped she'd never have to see her again.

"You know each other?" Harry said, as Petunia continued to gape at her.

"We've met," Selene said lightly. "It was just about as unpleasant an experience as this is right now and involved some fire and a color-changing charm gone wrong."

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