Ch. 90 - A Splitting Headache

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Selene's eyes fluttered open, and she moaned. Her head was pounding, and her forehead felt like it had been split open with a large hammer.

"Harry...." she groaned out, trying to push herself off whatever she was lying on. A hand forced her back down.

"Stay down, Selene. You have a concussion."

"Well, that explains the headache," Selene said weakly. Her eyes were struggling to adjust, but she could just see the outline of her cousin, Andromeda, sitting just in front of her.

"I've mended you up as best I could," she said quietly. "I'm afraid you'll be quite sore for a few days."

"Feels a little worse than sore," Selene said dryly. "Where's Harry?"

"He's fine. Looked a sight better than you," Andromeda said. "He's just in the sitting room."

At her words, Selene tried again to push herself up off what she had by this point figured out was a bed. Her head throbbed, and her bones felt as if they were grinding together, but she had to get up.

"Selene, please —" Andromeda said, laying a hand on her shoulder, but Selene stopped her.

"Please, 'Dromeda," Selene said. "Just help me up. I have to see Harry."

Andromeda gazed at her reluctantly, and then, hooking an arm under Selene's arms, helped ease her off the bed. When Selene's feet hit the ground, she wavered, momentarily wondering whether or not she'd be able to make it to the sitting room.

She leaned heavily on Andromeda. Every step seemed marginally easier, as if her muscles were remembering how to move again. She thought she was going to be sick.

"What happened?" Andromeda asked quietly, patiently holding Selene up while she tried to walk. "I thought nobody knew Harry was being moved tonight."

"We were ambushed," Selene said in a hushed tone, and she felt Andromeda's fingers tighten under her arm. "Death Eaters showed up out of nowhere, Voldemort too."


They made their way through the door, and with a flood of relief, Selene saw Harry sitting there on the sofa.

"Harry!" Selene cried, stumbling towards him. She flung her arms around him, gripping him tightly.

"Mum..." Harry said, his voice wavering. "When we crashed — I'd thought I'd lost you —"

"I'm okay, Harry, I promise," she said. "Are you alright?"

Harry nodded. "Yeah, I'm —" His eyes flickered to Andromeda, who was behind her, and his face contorted with rage.

"You!" Harry shouted, his hand searching for his wand hurriedly in his pocket.

"Your wand's here, son," Ted Tonks said, whom Selene had only just noticed. "It fell right beside you, I picked it up. And that's my wife you're shouting at."

"Oh I'm — I'm sorry," Harry said meekly, his arm falling by his side limply. Selene supposed he thought she was Bellatrix, who she seemed to favor appearance-wise.

Andromeda looked offended, but she didn't acknowledge Harry's exclamation. "What happened to our daughter? Selene said you were ambushed; where is Nymphadora?"

"I don't know," Harry said. "We don't know what happened to anyone else."

Ted and Andromeda exchanged a look. Selene frowned, knowing how they felt. She had no idea where Remus was, or if he was okay...

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