Ch. 107 - The Plan

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That evening, the six of them sat around the Lupins' kitchen table, enjoying the dinner that Remus had made for them. The atmosphere was more light-hearted than she had expected it to be. Harry had been put in better spirits after meeting his new sister Hope, the sight of which still made Selene and Remus smile to think about. Ron and Hermione managed to put on good faces at the sight of their friend being somewhat happy, and even Draco had put in the effort to maintain small talk.

They weren't an especially lively group, but they were happy to be together, safe and alive.

"I heard from Bill," Remus said, leaning back in his chair and reaching for Selene's hand on top of the table. "Ollivander, Luna, Dean, and Griphook are safe, and they're all being cared for."

"That's good," Ron said.

"He's also working on getting your family, Ron, out of the Burrow," Selene said. "He's moving them to Auntie Muriel's, since the Death Eaters now know that you're travelling with Harry. Thank Merlin Ginny was on holiday when this all happened, otherwise the Death Eaters could have gotten to her before we could."

Harry had been pulling a silly expression across the table at Hope, who was staring at him from her mother's arms, but at once, he seemed to dial into the conversation, his face falling.

"Harry, don't be sorry," Selene said quickly. "Arthur's been saying for months that it was only a matter of time before the Death Eaters turned their sights on the Weasleys. They're the biggest family of blood traitors there ever was."

"She's right," Draco said from the far corner of the kitchen table. "It had definitely come up amongst the Death Eaters before. A raid or some other sort of attack would have been inevitable. It's probably best that's all happened like this."

Harry gave him a curt nod before he looked back at his father. "How are the Weasleys being protected?"

"The Fidelius Charm," Remus said. "Though I'm afraid I can't reveal much more on the subject. Selene and I haven't been given their location."

"Could you get it, though?" Harry said quickly. "Their location, I mean?"

"Well, I suppose so," Remus said slowly. "But why do you ask?"

"I need to talk to Ollivander and Griphook," Harry said, and all of the table's occupants' eyes collectively widened. "It's important."

"But – but why?" Selene asked. "What could you possibly need from them?"

She knew the answer before she had asked the question, though. Selene recognized the look in Harry's eyes. There was an idea coming together somewhere behind his green irises – a plan forming that she knew she wasn't going to like in the slightest.

Harry looked uncertainly around the table, his eyes coming to rest on Draco more than once. He seemed hesitant to reveal his plan in front of his childhood enemy, his distrust evident in his gaze.

"Look, Potter," Draco said, rolling his eyes. He had obviously picked up on Harry's internal thoughts. "If you don't want me to overhear whatever stupid idea you've come up with that's going to get you, Weasley, and Granger killed, then just say so."

Harry pressed his lips together in irritation. "Actually, I'm starting to think we can trust you."

Draco's eyes widened in surprise, but then he quickly rearranged his face into more of an aloof expression. "So what's the problem then?"

Harry hesitated for a moment. "I just – I don't think you're going to like this idea." His eyes shifted towards his parents. "You aren't going to like this idea either."

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