Ch. 21 - The Signs and Reminiscing

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Dear Selly,

Can't say too much now, I'm in a hurry, but I'm heading to where you are immediately.

Harry has sent me a letter with some alarming news about his scar. I'm sure you've heard. I'm also sure that you've been reading the signs like I have and know that something is coming.

Selly, we must be ready. Keep a watch on Harry, as I know you will, and I'll do my best to get to you both as quick as I can.

See you soon,


Selene dropped Sirius' letter onto her desk, her heart dropping into her stomach. She knew that if Sirius was coming back within the grasp of the Ministry, the situation was grave.

He was right, nevertheless. She had seen the signs. Something was coming.

Her main goal was to protect Harry. It was what James and Lily would have wanted her to do, what they had asked of her when they made her Harry's godmother. Above everything else, Harry's safety was to be preserved – protected. Selene couldn't be a coward this time; she had to be brave for her godson.

At that thought, Selene's forearm twinged.

She shivered with fear. It hadn't been the first time that she had experienced a phantom pain like that, but it was the first time it had occurred so inopportunely.

Selene shrugged her cloak over her shoulders, getting up from her desk and approaching her office door. She had only just grasped the handle when it swung open, smacking her in the face.


"Selene!" a familiar voice said anxiously, and Selene was surprised to see Harry standing on the other side of the door. "I'm sorry, I should have knocked."

Selene blinked, rubbing her nose with a wince. "Harry! It's alright. Come on in."

Despite having just been ready to make her way down to the Great Hall for lunch, Selene strode back to her desk and sat, gesturing for Harry to do the same.

"Selene, I made a mistake."

"Cutting right to the chase, aren't we?" Selene said, raising her eyebrows. "What's wrong, Harry?"

The boy frowned. "Sirius wrote me back about my scar... he said he's on his way here now! Selene, what if he gets caught? It'll be all my fault!" Harry said this all very quickly, looking at his godmother worriedly.

"Ah," Selene said, obviously not at all surprised. "I know. He wrote me too." At Harry's shocked look, she added, "Harry, it won't be your fault. As reckless as Sirius is being, he's your godfather, and if he feels it's his job to come back here to look after you, then you can't stop him."

Harry's frown deepened. "But –"

"Harry, I'm sorry, but it's true. If Sirius is set on something, his mind can't be changed," Selene said exasperatedly. "Believe me, I've tried many times before."

"But if he gets caught –"

"He won't," Selene said uneasily. "Sirius is an intelligent wizard. He's stayed hidden this long, and this time, he has others to help hide him." She softened her gaze. "Harry, something is going on. I know you're smart enough to have noticed."

Harry nodded.

"We have to ready for anything," Selene said carefully. "And right now, I'm worried about more than just the Ministry."

Her godson blinked at her. "You are?"

Selene stared at him almost piteously. Then, she shook her head. "It doesn't matter right now. That's a conversation for another time." She smiled at him. "How are your classes?"

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