Ch. 88 - Married with No Children

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Selene heard the front door open and shut, and for a second, her heart froze in fear. She set down coffee mug and grabbed her wand, which was lying on the counter next to her, raising it in front of her, prepared to cast whatever spell she could think of first that was going to get her the hell out of there.

That is, until she heard a familiar voice humming the tune to "Bennie and the Jets" as he hung his travelling cloak up in the entryway. Then, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Remus rounded the corner to the kitchen, striding in, his face splitting into a warm smile.

"Why, hello, Mrs. Lupin," he said, grabbing onto her waist and pulling her towards him. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

"Mr. Lupin," Selene said, giggling as Remus nestled his head into the crook of her neck, "I wasn't expecting you home this early!"

He picked his head up suddenly to look at her. "Did I frighten you?"

"Perhaps a bit," she admitted, clutching the front of his shirt a little tighter.

"I'm sorry," he said, and he truly looked it. "I should have told you... but it was supposed to be a surprise. I have a present for you, you see."

"A present?" she repeated, grinning.

Remus grinned back at her. "Oh, you're going to love me." He released his hold on her waist only to grab her hand, tugging her in the direction of the doorway. "More than you do already, of course."

Selene huffed amusedly, shaking her head. "What could this possibly be, Remus?"

Remus threw open the door in response, ushering her outside.

Of course, when she made it out to the front porch, she saw it straight away.

Her face lit up like Christmas lights.

"No way!" she gasped, hurrying down the porch steps and approaching the shiny black monstrosity, a loving gleam in her eye. "You found it?"

"Turns out Hagrid's had it this whole time," Remus said. "Arthur's offered to work on it too, since it's probably due for a tune-up. Hasn't been ridden in years, I think."

Selene ran a finger along one of the chrome handlebars. "Oh, my lovely motorbike, I've missed you..." She turned around to launch herself at her husband, grinning madly. "Oh, I love you! I can't believe you got it back!"

Now would probably be an appropriate time to explain. You see, when Selene was eighteen-years-old, she and Sirius used his Uncle Alphard's money to buy their cottage... and Selene used the last of her Malfoy money to buy a magical motorbike. She knew it was completely impractical, even at the time, but she wanted something that was just hers – and the motorbike had been it.

Of course, when Sirius laid eyes on it, she'd never gotten to keep it to herself again, because he loved it as well. So much so, in fact, that he told everyone it was his, the complete arsehole.

But it wasn't.

It was Selene's.

And she'd missed it.

"I'm happy you're happy," Remus said, an exasperated smile on his face. "I have no idea where we're going to put it, but I'm glad that you're happy it's back."

Selene grinned. "Feel like going for a ride?"

He raised his eyebrows. "I've ridden a broomstick with you before, and that's not something I'm willing to do ever again. What makes riding this motorbike with you any different?"

She approached him slyly, tracing a finger down the row of buttons on the front of his shirt. "Because your wife will be in a very good mood for the rest of the afternoon if you do this one tiny little thing for her."

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