Ch. 52 - St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries

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"Are you alright, Selene? You look a little sick."

After breakfast, Selene tried to fall asleep on the sofa but gave up when thoughts of her and Sirius' conversation with Harry continued to plague her. She finally gave up and went upstairs to shower and get dressed, careful to not wake Sirius, who had managed to take a nap in their room.

After throwing on a soft yellow jumper and some jeans, she headed back downstairs to the kitchen in search of a very large mug of coffee.

"Yes, I'm fine, Tonks," Selene said, stifling a yawn. "Just a little sleepy, I suppose. You don't think Remus has made any coffee this morning, do you?"

Tonks gestured at a large green mug that was sitting on the countertop, still steaming. "He left that for you – cast a Warming Charm on it to keep it fresh for you, I think." She was looking at Selene with raised eyebrows, a sly smile slowly growing on her face. "How's that going by the way?"

"Oh – er – it's been no different," Selene said awkwardly, holding the mug to her face in the hopes that the steam would mask the blush spreading on her face. She had no intention of telling Tonks about her and Remus' small escapade in her bedroom – especially since it didn't go anywhere.

Tonks seemed to see right through her, however. She grinned widely. "I don't believe you! What happened?"

Selene turned an even brighter red, something she didn't know was even possible. "Tonks, I don't really feel like divulging in the details."

"Ooh! So it was that naughty?" Tonks said in a hushed voice, giggling. "Selene Black, I didn't know you had it in you!"

"Tonks!" Selene exclaimed, gasping. "Nothing happened!"

"What happened?"

Both women looked up suddenly. Remus was standing in the doorway, in the middle of pulling his travelling cloak. He caught sight of the mug in Selene's hands and gestured towards it. "I see you found the coffee I made you."

"Yes, I did, thank you," Selene said, nearly jumping upright in her chair, as if electrocuted by a bolt of electricity. She ignored the gleeful look on Tonks' face and approached Remus hesitantly. "Are you coming with us to St. Mungo's?"

Remus nodded, putting his hands in his pockets. "Yeah, I thought Moody might appreciate an extra escort to the hospital." He narrowed his eyes, looking closely at her face. "What's wrong, Selene? You look a little ill."

She furrowed her brow, frowning at him. "Gee, you sure do know how to make a girl feel good about herself." She pushed past him to climb the stairs.

"Selene..." She heard his exasperated use of her name, as well as his footsteps follow her up the stairs. "Come on, what's wrong?"

Selene ignored him, though this hardly stopped Remus from following her. He followed her all the way to her bedroom, watching her rifle through her closet for her cloak.

"Where's Sirius?" Remus asked.

Selene sighed and shrugged. "Feeding Buckbeak, I expect. He usually does that at this time of day – aha!" She pulled her cloak out of the closet and shrugged it on, turning to look up at Remus as she did so. "I swear he spends more time with that hippogriff than he does with anyone else."

"I suppose that after being on the run together, Buckbeak and Sirius have probably become pretty close," Remus said.

Selene smiled faintly, shaking her head at him. Then, she seized a silver pin from her dresser and began an attempt to pin back her hair away from her face.

Remus was silent, watching her carefully from his place leaning against the doorframe.

"So, did you just come up here to watch me do my hair?" she asked him sarcastically.

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