Ch. 51 - Snake Attack at the Ministry

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A/N: two chapters in one week?? consider it a Christmas present. Xxx

Remus Lupin was in deep, deep trouble, and he was mad at himself for it. It was the first time he had ever somewhat willingly revealed his secret to a person, and he was – for lack of a better word – freaking out.

He internally groaned. Rule number one for having a secret was to not fall in love; naturally, when you loved someone, you'd want to tell them... or feel like you needed to. And Remus had. He'd been prepared for the very worst. He'd expected her to yell at him or scream in fear, calling him a monster, and run away from him. He hadn't wanted to tell her at all for this very reason, but Remus fell in love with her the very moment she had said all of those nice things about him, and if he was being completely honest, he thought he'd liked her for a very long time. In fact, he didn't think he had ever liked, or loved, someone like he did Selene... He knew he had to reveal his true self to her, whether she hated him for it or not.

When he had, she didn't do any of the things he had expected her to do. Instead, she'd treated him like he was normal, like he was anyone else... and he was eternally grateful for it.

And now – now Remus was pacing in front of his four poster bed, trying to decide what to do next.

"Moony, if you keep pacing like that, you'll burn a hole in the floor," Sirius said, hanging upside down off the edge of his bed.

Remus didn't answer him. He was sweating bullets and muttering to himself.

"It'll be alright, mate. I don't think you have anything to worry about," James said reassuringly, watching Remus pace back and forth.

"James, I told her I was a werewolf, and then I told her I loved her, all in the span of five minutes," Remus said shortly. "I think I have a lot to worry about."

The door to the room opened and closed on its own accord, and then Peter appeared out of thin air, pulling off the Invisibility Cloak and handing it to James.

"She and Evans just parted ways in the library. Selene is heading out towards the grounds," he reported to them.

"Good work, Wormtail," James said brightly.

"You know, it would be much easier if we were able to track everybody somehow," Sirius said thoughtfully. "Like a map of some sort –"

"I was just thinking –" James exclaimed, chiming in.

"What are you doing?" Remus cut in roughly, his eyes wide.

"Oh, right," Sirius said, though his eyes kept flickering towards James, who seemed to be pondering over an idea in his head. "Well, we decided that since you've taken this – momentous – first step, that you should probably ask her out."

"Like on a date," Peter supplied.

"Thanks, I got that," Remus said sarcastically. "And you three decided this? For me?"

"Yes," Peter said.

"And you're going to do it right now –" Sirius said.

"– before you chicken out," James said.

Remus stared at them. He couldn't believe it, but he was actually considering their plan.

"...what if she says no?" he asked anxiously.

"She won't," Sirius said dismissively.

"We promise," James said.

Remus hesitated. "I don't know..."

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