Ch. 46 - The Reign of the Pink Terror

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A few weeks later, fall was beginning to set in at Hogwarts. The leaves were turning a variety of golden colors, and a cool breeze brushed over the heads of those who wanted to enjoy the weather by taking a stroll outside. It was the perfect weather for Quidditch, which was now in full swing. There wasn't a moment in the day that one couldn't take a glance towards the Quidditch pitch and see someone flying high in the sky on a broomstick.

It was the kind of weather that could cheer someone up in any situation.

Well, almost anyone.

Anyone but Selene.

"Damn you, you bloody pink troll."

"Did you say something, dear?"

She was always one step behind her.

Selene had received the results of her observation a couple of weeks after the fact, and comments like "concerning classroom management" and "neglected the curriculum" and "lack of knowledge on the taught subject" were present on the piece of parchment that had been pinned to her office door. Umbridge hadn't even bothered to deliver the results in person.

Essentially, Selene had been put on probation. Probation!

As according to the terms of her probation, Umbridge had been observing all of Selene's classes, following her on her heels and watching her every move, as if Selene was going to start discussing Sirius' whereabouts in the middle of class or assigning the topic of Voldemort's return as an essay for homework.

"No, sorry," Selene said in a false-cheery voice. "Just clearing my throat."

Even now, Umbridge was monitoring Selene's seventh year class, sitting in the corner of the classroom and scribbling notes on her clipboard.

That stupid, stupid clipboard.

Selene was trying her very best to ignore her, or at the very least pretend that her presence was the least of her concerns. She actually wasn't doing so bad at that, but every once in a while, a wave of white hot anger would spike within her, and she'd break whatever she was holding.

Selene's only saving grace was the bell at the end of every class period that would ring, dismissing her class, and shooing Umbridge from her classroom.

That very bell released her from her suffering now, its typically grating ring now music to Selene's ears.

"That'll be all for today, class," Selene said lightly, closing the Ministry-approved Astronomy textbook in her hands with a loud snap, watching with satisfaction out of the corner of her eye as the sound caused Umbridge to jump in surprise. "Be sure to have your essays on my desk by the beginning of our next class! Don't leave them till the last minute!" She eyed the Weasley twins, who were gathering their things in their seats at the back of the classroom. Fred and George grinned at each other.

"Naturally, Professor."

"We'd never do that."

She shook her head in amusement as she waved them off, watching them exit through the door. Then, she turned, allowing her smile to slide off her face as she came face-to-face with Umbridge.

"I must say, Professor Black, I'm not seeing the improvement in your teaching that I would have hoped for," she said with a saccharine smile.

"I'm sorry that I can't meet your standards," Selene deadpanned.

Umbridge was still smiling, but her eyes were cold. "That's alright. It shouldn't be hard to replace you."

Selene pressed her lips together. Don't take the bait, don't let your temper get the best of you.

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