Ch. 47 - Draco's New Personality

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Selene was awoken the next morning, not by her own means, but by the loud arguing of voices outside the door of her personal quarters. She grumbled as she stumbled out of bed, shrugging on one of Remus' old brown cardigans and wondering who could be having a full-scale argument outside her door this early in the morning.

She soon found out who, though she could not believe her eyes when she saw them.

"Shove off, Potter! She's my aunt! She only picked you up off the street like the dirty little orphan you are!"

"Stop being such a dick, Malfoy! Why'd you even follow me here in the first place?"

"Could the two of you get a grip and stop yelling?" Selene hissed loudly from the doorway to her quarters. The two boys ceased their arguing at once, looking up at her startled. She looked between the two of them. "What are you two doing? It's five in the morning!"

"Well, I had to talk to you about something important," Harry said loudly, "but I had the misfortune to come across this idiot in the entrance hall, where he cornered me to interrogate me on where your quarters were, and then he followed –"

"I had to talk to her about something that is definitely more important than whatever you came here to whine about, Potter," Draco said scathingly, "and I figured you knew where she lived since you're so incredibly nosy –"

"Look who's talking!" Harry interjected angrily.

"Hush, the both of you!" Selene said, glancing down either side of the corridor in the fear that someone would have come to investigate all of the loud voices. "Come in before you wake up the whole castle, and we'll see what you both are on about."

Reluctantly, the two boys followed her beckoning inside, Draco shoving past Harry to get through the doorway first. Selene rolled her eyes, closing the door behind them.

"Now, one at a time," Selene said firmly, "you'll tell me what you came here to talk to me about."

"I'll go first," Draco said quickly, giving Harry a burning look of hatred that Harry only returned whole-heartedly. "Look, I shouldn't be here – honestly, I don't know why I even bother – but I figured I may as well tell you – Father saw that wretched blood traitor husband of yours on Platform 9 ¾ on September 1st. He knows Black is an Animagus, and I'll bet he's already told the Dark Lord. I shouldn't be telling you – Father told me not to, but –" Draco hesitated uncomfortably, avoiding Harry's look of stunned rage and meeting Selene's eyes, to her surprise, with poorly-disguised shame. "I – I thought it was the least I could do to warn you."

Selene opened and closed her mouth in shock, unsure of how to respond. Draco's confession had nearly knocked her off of her feet. Finally, she managed a feeble, "Draco, I –"

"I knew it! I knew that your dad was going to recognize him, and I knew that you knew!" Harry cut across her heatedly. "Mum, this is a trap! He's trying to bait you – or me – into giving him information that he can pass on to dear old Death Eater Dad – he even said something about Sirius at the beginning of the year –"

"Piss off, Potter!" Draco said loudly. "Not everything is about you! I only said that so you'd get the idea and pass it on to her, but obviously you were too thick to even do that –"

"STOP!" Selene burst out, causing both of the boys to fall silent, staring at her with wide eyes. Her mind was reeling; she knew, ever since she'd found out that Sirius had escorted Harry onto the platform as Padfoot, that there was a possibility that someone would have found out and put these pieces together, and of course it would be her dear old brother. However, there's no way Lucius could know where Sirius was hiding, as long as Sirius didn't leave Grimmauld Place – though she couldn't help but wonder if Lucius had somehow intercepted Harry's owl. But then again, it seemed more likely that that was Umbridge's doing, because in all honesty, what did Voldemort really want with Sirius? Unless it was to get to Harry...

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