Ch. 54 - An Eventful Christmas

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A/N: Look, before you read this chapter, I'd just like to say, I'm sorry. But also, look at how productive I've been this week! I've written a total of THIRTEEN CHAPTERS over my holiday break, and I've published FOUR!! I am a WRITING MACHINE!!

On Christmas morning, Selene woke up early, practically skipping down the stairs in childlike glee. It seemed she had been one of the last to do so, as Sirius and Remus were already at the table, plates filled with breakfast food sitting before them.

"Happy Christmas, Selene," Molly said, handing her a plate piled high with toast, eggs, and bacon. Her voice was hoarse; she sounded as if she had a bad head cold. "I've got a gift for you on the table."

"H-happy Christmas, Molly," Selene returned hesitantly. She met eyes with Sirius and Remus questioningly.

"Apparently, Percy sent back his Christmas jumper this morning," Remus told her in a hushed voice, as Selene sat down at the table. "I've tried to cheer her up, but naturally, it's put a dampener on her morning."

Selene frowned. Sitting in front of her was a lumpy looking present, wrapped in brown paper and tied up with a green ribbon. She knew it was one of Molly's infamous Weasley Christmas jumpers, a sign of Molly's true motherly love.

Percy had truly lost his brains if he had sent his back to his mother.

Tearing off the paper, Selene unearthed a pretty blue- and green-striped jumper, hand-knitted with obvious care.

"This is beautiful, Molly," Selene said in a muffled voice, already pulling the jumper over her head and on top of her oversized Holyhead Harpies t-shirt. "Thank you very much."

Molly gave her a faint smile, turning from the stove to look at her. "You're welcome."

Selene sat down at the table, seizing her fork, ready to dig into breakfast.

"Happy Christmas, boys," she said, her mouth full of toast.

"Happy Christmas, Selene," they chorused, simultaneously shaking their heads at her.

The three of them continued eating breakfast in peaceful silence, and before long, the children began to trickle down the stairs in twos and threes, greeting the adults with "Happy Christmas" before fixing plates of breakfast.

"Happy Christmas," Harry said to Sirius and Remus, approaching the table with a plate balanced in one hand. The two men returned the sentiment warmly, grinning at him.

"And happy Christmas to you too, Mum," Harry said, wrapping his free arm around Selene's shoulders in a clumsy one-armed hug. "That telescope looks awesome!"

"I'm glad you like it," she said, grinning. "There's a clearing not far from my cottage... Maybe when things calm down, you can come to stay and we can try it out there."

"That sounds great," he said earnestly, taking the seat next to her. Then he looked up at Sirius. "Hey, Sirius, you know what I realised? We haven't seen Kreacher around lately."

"Kreacher?" Sirius repeated, blinking at him. "I suppose you're right, I haven't seen him lurking around lately."

"I haven't seen him since the night the kids came back from Hogwarts," Selene said, "when you ordered him out of the kitchen."

"Yeah, after he called you a whore," Sirius said darkly. "But you're right," he added, "I think that's the last time I saw him, too... He must be hiding upstairs somewhere..."

"He couldn't have left, could he?" Harry said. "I mean, when you said 'out,' maybe he thought you meant, get out of the house?"

"No, no, house-elves can't leave unless they're given clothes, they're tied to their family's house," Sirius said.

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