Ch. 103 - The Very Best Birthday

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March 9, 1998 – Minutes before 12 o'clock P.M.

"Selene, dear, what's wrong?"

That was quite a question, Selene thought, a question she had no idea how she'd be able to answer. She could not deny the fact that she'd woken up that morning feeling rather odd. Not bad, but certainly odd.

"I'm fine, Molly, really," Selene said, bracing herself and wincing at the building amount of pressure settling itself within her abdomen. "Just uncomfortable. I'm sure that's understood at this point."

They were in the kitchen, just before lunch time. Molly was bustling around with the lunch, setting knives to chop onions and pulling bowls out of the kitchen cabinets. Selene, on the other hand, was trying her best to magically fold the laundry, though she was so distracted that Remus' shirts kept bundling themselves up and tossing themselves onto the floor.

"It seems to be a good deal more discomfort than usual, Selene," Molly said knowingly. "Are you sure –"

"Molly," Selene hissed, as Remus trudged into the kitchen, looking positively exhausted. Molly fell silent at the sight of him, though her eyes continued to flicker back to her cousin unsurely.

That night was to be the full moon, and as such, Remus was miserable, feeling far worse than Selene thought she ever could. Naturally, Remus would never complain or let the attention fall upon himself, but Selene was determined to care for him before he left – as best she could in the state she was in.

"Good afternoon," Remus greeted weakly, all but collapsing into one of the chairs at the kitchen table.

Selene abandoned the laundry hamper at once to sidle up next to Remus, resting her hands on his shoulders lightly. "Hello, darling. Are you just now up for the day?"

"Yes, I'm sorry," Remus said, smiling weakly up at her. "It took me a little more effort to get out of bed today than usual. I think we're in for a rough full moon."

Selene pressed her lips together.

Every few months, Remus would have a particularly rough transformation. It was almost as if the werewolf would become restless, tired of being futilely reined in by Remus every month, and so occasionally, it would act out and make things so much harder for Remus.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Selene asked her husband, pressing a kiss to the top of his head.

"I should be asking you that question," Remus said, taking hold of her hand.

Selene shook her head rather vigorously, trying to cover up the expression of pain that had crossed her face as a wave of terrible pressure rolled up her abdomen. She wasn't about to have Remus worrying after her when he was already feeling thoroughly miserable.

"I'm perfectly capable of taking care of my husband," Selene said through a thinly-disguised grimace. "I've taken care of you through over sixteen years' worth of full moons, and I plan on caring for you through many more, if you'll have me."

"If I'll have you?" Remus repeated. "My darling wife, you are far more than I ever could have hoped to deserve. I'll adore you far after both of our children have outlived us, and even some after that."

And despite herself, Selene grinned. "Remus Lupin, how is it that after so many years, you still manage to make me blush?"

"Well, it is my favourite pastime," Remus said.

A quiet chuckle took the place of Selene's amused response. Remus and Selene looked up, just as Molly covered her mouth, looking ashamed to have been caught listening in.

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