Ch. 68 - The Brief Return of Selene Malfoy

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Following Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been relatively easy. Selene had, in fact, been surprised at how easy it really was, but it seemed that the trio hadn't assumed that they would have been missed in such a busy shop – or that a particularly observant person would spot their feet as they shuffled down the street, crammed under the Cloak. Selene was just glad that the streets were relatively empty at this time of day, and those who were still out were hurrying to their next destination and weren't paying any attention.

Selene found out why they had escaped soon after she'd stepped out into the street. A flash of blonde hair disappearing around a corner told her everything she needed to know, though she couldn't quite figure out why Harry, Ron, and Hermione felt the need to follow Draco if they had their so-called "truce."

She followed them as far as Knockturn Alley, and then watched as they stopped outside of Borgin and Burkes, a shop Selene knew specialized in the sale of Dark Magical artifacts.

Slipping carefully behind a stack of boxes that stood in a nearby alley, she pointed her wand in the general direction of the shop and whispered, "Clarisonus."

To her luck, the shop hadn't been warded against the Amplifying Charm, and Draco's voice cranked to life in her ear like a well-tuned radio.

"...just need you to tell me how to do it," he said firmly.

Another man's voice spoke, and his tone was wavering and nervous. "Well, without seeing it, I must say it will be a very difficult job, perhaps impossible. I couldn't guarantee anything."

"No?" said Draco nastily. "Perhaps this will make you more confident."

There was a shuffling noise, and then a quiet gasp.

"Tell anyone," Draco's voice came again, "and there will be retribution. You know Fenrir Greyback? He's a family friend. He'll be dropping in from time to time to make sure you're giving the problem your full attention."

Selene's blood ran cold. Greyback was not, in fact, a personal friend of the Malfoys, but instead one of Lucius' Death Eater associates. And if Draco was in communication with him –

"There will be no need for –" said the man, but Draco interrupted him coldly.

"I'll decide that," Draco said. "Well, I'd better be off. And don't forget to keep that one safe, I'll need it."

That one?

"Perhaps you'd like to take it now?" the man asked.

"No, of course I wouldn't, you stupid little man," Draco said, "how would I look carrying that down the street? Just don't sell it."

"Of course not... sir."

There was a moment of silence before Draco spoke again.

"Not a word to anyone, Borgin, and that includes my mother, understand?" Draco demanded.

"Naturally, naturally," said Borgin quietly, and there was another moment of silence before Selene could hear footsteps. Then the bell hanging above the door jingled as Draco presumably exited the shop.

Selene pressed her back even closer to the stack of boxes behind her, eager not to be seen. When she was sure that Draco had passed out of view, she peered around the boxes, to where she could still see Harry, Ron, and Hermione's feet. Their toes were pointed towards the window, and Selene was able to sneak up behind them silently without them noticing a thing.

"Dunno," she could hear Harry mutter. "He wants something mended... and he wants to reserve something in there... could you see what he pointed at when he said 'that one?""

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