Ch. 39 - The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black

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Remus' POV

"Good mooorning, Moony!" came a loud voice that echoed from down the hall.

Remus' eyes flickered open. It had been a long time since Sirius' voice had been the first thing to wake Remus up in the morning – since their Hogwarts days, when they shared a dorm – and Remus had not missed it one bit.

There were a few bounding steps, and Remus' bedroom door flew open, Sirius bursting in with a lopsided grin.

Remus covered his face with his pillow, groaning. Sirius made his way over to him, and he ripped the pillow from his grasp and whacked him over the head with it.

Remus shot up in the bed, glaring. "Get out, Sirius."

Sirius pretended not to hear him. "It's time to get ready for the day, my dear Moony! We have a lot to do!"

"Do you make it habit to burst into people's bedrooms early in the morning to rudely wake them up?" Remus asked irritably, sitting up in his bed and rubbing his eyes.

"Oh, come on, Rem," Sirius said, "we shared a dorm for years. Also, I had to catch you before you went downstairs."

"Why?" Remus asked.

"We need to have a talk –" Sirius said, and Remus narrowed his eyes. "– about Selene."

Remus pushed him away sharply. "Absolutely not."

"Yes," Sirius said, and his face was suddenly very serious. "Come on, Remus, this getting ridiculous. Why won't you just give her what she wants?"

"She doesn't know what she wants," Remus said, crossing his arms.

"Bullocks," Sirius said. "Come on, Remus. Be honest with yourself. You love her. Why are you doing this to yourself?"

"I'm not talking about this with you," Remus said sharply. "You're her husband, Sirius. Shouldn't you want her to love you?"

"You don't think I want my wife to love me – her husband – as much as she loves you? I envy what the two of you have, that you love one another so much that you can hardly be apart!" Sirius exclaimed furiously. "But I have so humbly – so graciously – stepped aside because you truly love her! So, by all means, Remus, feel free to take advantage! I am allowing you this opportunity because I care about both of you, and this is what's right!"

Remus merely gaped at him.

"You love her!" Sirius went on. "You can't be without her! Your very soul needs her. Damn you if you decide to throw it all away."

"Sirius, you don't understand," Remus said desperately. "By being with me, I am condemning her to a life she does not deserve! She could do so much better! She has you!"

"Which, trust me, I very well know," Sirius spat at him. "But it's not me she wants. It's never been me. If it hadn't been for that stupid Unbreakable Vow, I can guarantee that she and you would've been married already, popping out dozens of Lupin babies."

"Sirius, that Unbreakable Vow, however inconvenient it was at the time, saved her from me," Remus said. "She deserves someone who can complement her, someone who can support her. Not someone who drags her down and holds her back."

There was not an ounce of pity in Sirius' eyes. "And you think that person would be me, Remus? The convicted murderer?" He scoffed. "I've heard the speech. If I can't convince you of what you offer her, then I'll at least say this: you're only delaying the inevitable."

"You just don't get it, Sirius!" Remus said, his voice rising. "I hurt her. I could hurt her again. My very presence puts her life in danger."

"Oh, please, Remus, you fold your socks," Sirius said dismissively.

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