Ch. 65 - Owls Bringing O.W.L.s

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Selene thought she preferred death over talking to Fleur Delacour for just one more moment.

"Céline, you are standing in ze way of ze coffee pot."

She was honestly a little disappointed that this was who Bill had chosen to marry. She wasn't one to typically be anti- other women, but when Fleur said the things that she usually did... well...

"First of all, Fleur, I'm literally in the middle of pouring myself a cup of coffee," Selene said irritably, dropping the coffee pot on the counter and looking at Fleur out of the corner of her eye. "And secondly, my name is Selene."

"But Selene eez so – so British," Fleur said, waving a hand with such a flourish that Molly had to duck out of the way. "Eet's such a common version of a perfectly fine French name."

"Well, I'm not French, I'm English," Selene said darkly. "Thank Merlin," she added, under her breath. Molly swatted at her with that morning's copy of the Daily Prophet while Fleur wasn't looking.

On Selene's other side – the one opposite where Molly had begun fussing with Fleur over making Harry's breakfast – Ginny sidled up to her, looking mischievous.

"Someone must be bad sick – they must have a terrible cold or something," the redheaded girl said lowly, leaning over Selene's shoulder and pretending to offer her some sugar for her coffee. "There's an awful lot of Phlegm around."

Selene choked, knocking over her coffee mug.

"Selene!" Molly exclaimed, as she and Fleur ceased their argument to turn around and look at her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Selene coughed, pulling her wand out of her pocket and siphoning up the spill. She mock-glared at Ginny. "That was a particularly nasty thing to say," she whispered. "And – and so dreadfully funny."

Ginny grinned in response. "I think Harry's awake, want to go see him?"

"Yes, let's get out of this kitchen," Selene agreed.

They slipped unnoticed out of the kitchen just as Molly and Fleur began arguing again, and they laughed as they ran up the stairs. As they rounded the corner to Fred and George's old room, they heard Harry say, "He can't be worse than Umbridge, can he?"

"I know someone who's worse than Umbridge," Ginny said, as she and Selene appeared in the doorway. "Hi, Harry."

"What's up with you?" Ron asked.

"It's her," Ginny said, throwing herself down on the end of Harry's bed. "She's driving me mad."

"What's she done now?" Hermione asked sympathetically.

"It's the way she talks to me – you'd think I was about three!" Ginny exclaimed, falling back on the bed and groaning.

"I know," Hermione said in a low voice. "She's so full of herself."

"Selene, are you really going to let them talk like this?" Ron asked angrily. "I mean, could you guys lay off her for five seconds?"

Selene shrugged, leaning against the doorframe. "Sorry, Ron, but she's driving me mad."

"Well, we know that Ron will always come to her defense," Ginny snapped. "We all know you can't get enough of her."

Harry stared at Ginny, and then at Ron, his brows furrowed. "Who are you –?"

Whatever Harry's question was, though, they would never know. The door flew open, and Harry scrambled to cover himself with his bed covers, yanking them up to his chin so hard that Hermione and Ginny fell to the floor, groaning.

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