Ch. 79 - Remus Prevents Selene From Committing Murder

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Remus' POV

"I hope you guys smash Hufflepuff today. That Zacharias Smith is a real prat."

It was the day of the Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff match, and Remus had come up to Hogwarts to attend the match with Selene, and to watch Harry play.

Selene was fired up, as usual, and Remus couldn't help smiling at her. She looked adorable in his old Gryffindor sweater (that she most definitely stole out of his closet) and her Gryffindor-coloured face paint, and her pretty silvery hair was piled up on the top of her head, secured in place with her wand. Her spirit and enthusiasm had encouraged Remus to dress for the occasion as well, as he was wearing a red t-shirt emblazoned with a large Gryffindor lion under his denim jacket.

"Who's Zacharias Smith again?" Remus asked, his eyes on Selene, who was practically skipping down the path towards the Quidditch pitch. "Isn't he that loud mouth boy from Hufflepuff?"

"He's a prat," Ginny said simply. She and Hermione were with them, watching Selene and giggling. "As well as a Chaser for Hufflepuff."

"Ah," Remus said, shaking his head in amusement. He did seem to remember Smith being sort of prat-like in his DADA classes when he taught at Hogwarts.

"He commentated the opening match between Slytherin and Gryffindor," Hermione said, "and he was pretty nasty. I think all of Gryffindor are eager for him in particular to lose today."

"Yeah, we are," Selene cheered, grinning.

"Darling, you're a Slytherin," Remus reminded her, raising his eyebrows.

Selene's face fell slightly. "Oh, damn," she said. "I forgot."

Hermione and Ginny laughed loudly.

They had reached the pitch finally, and Ginny split off from them to head to the changing rooms. Hermione led Remus and Selene up the stairs to the Gryffindor side of the stands.

"Ron's unhappy that he's missing this match," she said conversationally. "He begged Madam Pomfrey to let him play, but she says he's still got some recovery time left."

"Well, I'm sure it bothers him that McLaggen is playing as his substitute," Selene said understandingly.

They sat in a row of seats close to the top, so that they could see everything.

"Cormac McLaggen?" Remus asked, feeling significantly uninformed in the conversation. "What's he got to do with anything?"

"He's the guy that Hermione took to Slughorn's Christmas party to make Ron jealous," Selene said, smiling slyly at Hermione, who blushed bright red. "Imagine my surprise when we found that out. Didn't know that Hermione had it in her."

"Selene!" Hermione gasped.

"Why would McLaggen make Ron jealous?" Remus asked, nonplussed.

"Ron hates McLaggen," Hermione said reluctantly. "McLaggen – he's a bit of a jerk. He almost beat Ron in Keeper tryouts, too, but –"

"– but Hermione Confunded him," Selene interjected enthusiastically.

Remus burst out laughing, attracting the attention of several nearby students, some of whom looked particularly confused to recognize their former DADA professor in attendance at the Quidditch match.

"Hush!" Hermione said frantically, looking around. "Ron does not need to find out secondhand that that happened. Actually, he doesn't need to find out at all."

"Sorry, Hermione," Remus and Selene chorused, pressing their lips together to stifle their laughter.

Hermione shook her head disapprovingly at the two adults, though it seemed that she too was trying to cover up a smile.

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