Ch. 19 - Another Year of Chaos

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It was the very first day of Selene's third year, and with being back at Hogwarts came being annoyed by her only friend, Sirius Black. Of course, Sirius was aware that Selene was a sort of loner, which was why at that very moment, he was trying to solve that problem.

"Come on, Selly, I've got someone you should meet," Sirius said, pulling her away from the Slytherin table.

"Sirius, I really don't need any more friends," Selene said uncomfortably. "I've got you, and that's all I need."

Sirius laughed. "There's nothing wrong with having more friends."

He shoved her into an empty seat at the Gryffindor table, next to a skinny sandy-haired boy with pale jagged scars running across his face and arms.

"Selene, this is my friend Remus."

The boy looked up in surprise. "Oh. Hi," he said, waving to her awkwardly.

"Hello," Selene said, giving Sirius a dirty look.

"Remus, this is Selene. We grew up together," Sirius said innocently.

"Oh, well... er... that's nice," Remus said, giving Sirius an identical dirty look.

Sirius, picking up on this, grinned. "Well, I'll let you two get to know each other." He grinned and ran off, leaving the pair alone.

Selene looked at the shy boy sheepishly. "I'm sorry about him. He's got issues."

"At least you don't share a dorm with him," Remus said with a small smile.

Selene let out a laugh. "Have we met before, Remus?"

"I think we have double Astronomy together," he said thoughtfully.

Selene nodded. "I remember now. You sit in the back with Sirius and a bunch of Gryffindor boys."

"And you sit in the front and answer all of the questions," Remus said, grinning.

Selene blushed. "I really like Astronomy. It's my favorite subject."

"Maybe I should start sitting with you then. Sirius and the lads are always making a bunch of racket. It's hard to pay attention," Remus said, smiling at her.

"You'd be welcome to," Selene said shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

They stared at each other for a moment, each wearing small smiles.

Suddenly, a bespectacled boy slid into the empty spot across from Remus on the bench. "Hey, Remus. Hey, stranger Slytherin girl. How's it going?"

Remus nodded to him awkwardly. "This is Selene. Selene, this is—"

"—James Potter, the handsomest, most talented Quidditch player and wizard you'll ever meet," the boy said cockily, holding out his hand to shake.

Selene smirked. She shook his hand firmly, saying, "I'm sorry, did you say, 'handsome and talented,' because all I heard was 'harebrained and thickheaded.'"

Remus snorted into his pumpkin juice, and James gaped at her. From behind Selene, a girl laughed loudly.

Selene turned as a redheaded girl came up beside her, giggling into her hand.

"I'm sorry, but that was just about the best thing I've heard all day," she said. "I'm Lily Evans, and I want to be your friend."

Selene grinned. "I'm Selene Malfoy, and I'll take you up on that."

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