Ch. 30 - Dark Days Lie Ahead

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In all honesty, despite her promise to Sirius, Selene had almost talked herself out of going to Dumbledore. She had always harbored a certain dislike for the old headmaster, ever since he had taken baby Harry away from her. She felt that Harry should've been hers to care for; it had certainly Lily and James' intention for it to be that way, but as the story goes, Dumbledore had a different plan.

It seemed, to her, that Dumbledore had some kind of ultimate plan that, while for the betterment of everyone as a whole, neglected the needs of certain individuals, Selene being one of them.

However, as strong as her feelings on this subject were, she supposed that if anyone could be able to do something about this issue, it would be Dumbledore.

That's why she found herself outside of his office door, her knuckles rapping against the wood. A single moment later, she heard a quiet "come in," and she pushed the door open and stepped inside.

Dumbledore was sitting at his desk, his half-moon-shaped glasses perched on the end of his crooked nose. At the sight of her, he smiled and said, "Professor Black, what brings you to my office?"

Selene frowned. "I have something I'd like to discuss with you."

Dumbledore nodded. "Does it have anything to do with your visit to your husband in Hogsmeade with your godson and his friends?"

Selene raised her eyebrows in surprise. "How did you know about that?"

"You are not Sirius' only correspondent," he said. "Additionally, in the efforts of total honesty, he wrote to me and told me exactly what I am assuming you came here to tell me. Sirius seemed to be under the assumption that you would not follow his suggestion, and that he might as well tell me himself, instead."

Selene stared at him, mouth agape. She shut it quickly, and said, "Well, I guess he was wrong."

"Yes, it seems he was," Dumbledore said amusedly. "You must write him to tell him about that pleasant surprise."

Selene's frown only grew deeper. "So you know about the Dark Mark then?"

Dumbledore's disposition grew more serious at these words, and he looked down his nose at her. "Yes, and Professor Snape has already informed me of this as well."

Selene pressed her lips together. It seemed that there was really no reason for her to see Dumbledore at all.

"These recent events that have been occurring are indeed not a coincidence," Dumbledore went on. "Something is terribly wrong, but I'm afraid I haven't quite put the pieces together."

It was then that Selene noticed something surprising: Dumbledore looked weary. It was obvious that whatever was going on, he had noticed, and it was troubling him. This only worried Selene more. "Did Sirius also tell you about Harry's dream over the summer then? And about his scar?" she said. "And then along with everything at the Cup, and Harry's name being put in the Goblet of Fire... and with the Dark Mark growing clearer..." She stared at him urgently. "Dumbledore, Voldemort's gaining power, isn't he?"

The headmaster sighed. "It seems that that is a possibility that is growing ever the more likely."

"It all started when Wormtail escaped," Selene said, "but I don't think he's smart enough to have planned all this out. He may be able to come up with things to save his own skin, but for Voldemort? He can be persuaded because he's scared, but he's no mastermind."

"You're insinuating that there may someone else unaccounted for that could be aiding Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked.

"I mean, Wormtail could be helping him," Selene said quickly, "but if Voldemort has any intelligence at all, then he's not using Peter as his main means of carrying out his plan – whatever it may be. And if there is someone else working for him, I don't think it's someone we know about."

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