Ch. 57 - The Grimmauld Place Gobstones Club

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Dear Mum,

Remedial Potions is the worst. I hate it. I hate Snape. I know I've said that in every letter I've sent, but it's the truth. All he does every lesson is try to get under my skin. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep doing this, especially since it's not even helping. I'm still having the same issues in Potions.

As for my regular lessons, I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that classes are going pretty well. Hermione is making sure that Ron and I are keeping up with our work, and she's been helping us study. I'm pretty sure she's convinced that if she doesn't, we'll fail all of our O.W.L.s. I think I'm doing alright, but that might be true for Ron. Don't tell Mrs. Weasley that though.

I miss you a whole lot, and I wish you were here.

Here's to hoping that the rest of the school year passes by quickly.

Love you,


"Remedial Potions, my arse," Sirius said darkly. "I'll kill Snape. I'd like to wrap my bare hands around his throat and throttle him –"

Once everyone had left Grimmauld Place again after Christmas, the only sort of excitement that Sirius and Selene had to look forward to was letters from Harry. In the month and a half that Harry had been back to Hogwarts, he'd sent a letter at least once a week – sometimes twice. They suspected that Umbridge was checking the mail, so all of the letters were addressed to Selene, and they contained very basic information – nothing exciting at all – but it was at least nice to hear from him.

"Sirius, calm down," Selene said, tossing the letter onto a sizable pile of letters that Harry had previously sent them. "We knew Snape was going to be a jerk, but it's important that Harry learns Occlumency – and supposedly, Snape is very good at it."

"I just don't know if it's worth it, Selly," Sirius said, crossing his arms. "This, on top of everything else Harry has to worry about – it's not even working, Harry said so!"

Selene frowned. "I know... I just have to hope that something will work. I don't like that Harry's having these visions, or – or this connection with Voldemort. It's freaking Harry out, didn't you see the look on his face when he spoke with us over the Christmas holidays?"

"Yeah," Sirius said, rubbing an anxious hand over his face. "I know Dumbledore can protect him, but I've been thinking a lot about that. Do you suppose that Voldemort knows that Harry is seeing these things?"

"I'm not sure," Selene said thoughtfully. "I suppose after the whole snake attack at the Ministry with Arthur, Voldemort surely saw how we were able to react so quickly – I'd say he's probably smart enough to put two-and-two together."

"You think he'll try to use it against Harry?" Sirius asked. "Make him see what he wants Harry to see?"

"Yes, that's why these Occlumency lessons are so important," Selene said, "so that Harry can block out any unwanted visions in the future... maybe even protect his own mind from Voldemort."

"If they worked, you mean," Sirius huffed.

"Yes," Selene agreed, frowning, "if they worked."

Sirius sighed in response, drumming his fingers against the table. "Well, Selly, you up for some Gobstones or something?"

"Gobstones?" Selene said, raising her eyebrows. "Sirius, have you ever even played Gobstones before?"

"No," Sirius admitted, "but I know how to play, and I found an old set of Regulus' upstairs. Come on, Selly, it'll be fun. I'm so bored..."

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