chapter one

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' just down your sorrows in vodka '

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mum and dad was out for the week doing some business, not that any of us bothered to ask what kind, we knew already.

some bloody massacre, a few millions in drugs, a meeting here and there. boring stuff.

but that left me and my siblings alone. something that always ended in either trouble or true unsupervised fun.

I hoped for the latter, though the first one would be just as fulfilling.

Giana was having her nails done in the living room by some poor girl who looked terrified having most likely realized she was at the Nystrom mansion working for one of the Nystrom girls.

but she still sat there doing the damn nails. got to admit the girl had courage. one fuckup and Giana would blow. you could see it on her face she was itching for someone to pick a fight with.

'' I'm throwing a party tonight '' Rico stated walking into the living room wearing a fancy dress shirt that was only buttoned half way up along with beige trousers. he glanced at the nail girl frowning before shaking his head at Giana.

'' whatever just don't invite the hello kitty squad '' Giana chimed up.

her nickname for the group of girls trying helplessly to be us made me grin. they were of course failing at trying to be anywhere near like us. but their effort was unamusing to say the least.

Rico threw his head back with laughter '' I would never gia'' he said his polish accent becoming more prominent as he smirked.

despite none of us being biologically related we sure did think like siblings do. '' what 'cha talking about ?'' Adonis asked throwing himself onto the couch still wearing his sweatpants and tank top from yesterday. pig.

'' making tonight's, no go list'' Giana said suddenly seeming interested in the nail lady work. once done the nail lady hurried of as soon as the bill was played.

she didn't want to hang around rich kids with guns statched around the house for easy access? weird.

mark the sarcasm. '' you cant invite anyone boring or snitchy'' Adonis proclaimed I scoffed.

'' shit addy you cant come then'' I mocked him he flipped me off making me grin. '' and Hayley fucking sinner have been running her mouth all over fucking town about me, she comes here and I'm going to have her beat up'' I added Adonis chuckled.

'' you and your anger issues '' Vinnie commented from his seat in the corner where his eyes never left the computer screen before him. '' fuck of nerd'' I spat back and just like Adonis did moments before he flipped me off his middle finger saluting me.

I rolled my eyes leaning back on the couch I had been laying on since early in the morning my silk pajamas still on and my hair pulled into a messy bun on top of my head my poor attempt to get the curls out of my face.

which didn't work particularly well considering strands still fell down irritating my eyes with their presence.

'' I'll text around to make sure the party gets known as well as the no go list'' veronica spoke shit I hadn't even noticed she had entered the room until now.

I hummed as did my siblings. '' carmen your in charge of getting the liquor '' Vincent chimed up grinning viciously at me. it was now my turn to lift up my middle finger directing it at him.

'' feck you'' I muttered before grabbing my phone deciding to make sure myself that everyone even remotely interesting came tonight.

I needed a distraction, a real one. something that would make my thoughts vanish.

and I didn't want to be labeled an alcoholic.

so a party was the right way to get drunk, and we Nystroms had an reputation to keep up, so who would we be if we didn't make sure it was the most fucking epic party of the month.


my entire body felt heavy and my head was spinning, what a wonderfully disgusting feeling.

music blasting through the house the only place still silent being the locked up rooms upstairs and outside on the lawn. or well it was quieter on the lawn. specially by the pond.

I stumbled there the vodka bottle still in my hand as I sat down on the edge taking yet another sip from the bottle.

then I heard fucking screaming. couldnt people shut up with the screaming? it was giving me an headache.

my legs carried me towards the tree line surrounding the south side of the garden, the same place the screams came from. I sipped the vodka while making my way over there instantly frowning how the hell was we going to explain this to mum and dad?

to tall figures stood with their back to me while a boy I faintly knew was crouching over screaming like a little girl. '' oh thank god!'' he exclaimed looking at me hopefully.

I frowned at the look of his face, he was beaten up badly. '' George?'' I asked confused.

'' Gino '' he corrected breathless.'' please save me carmen!'' he pleaded getting on his knees the two tall figures turning to me with deadly looks. one clutching a knife and the other a gun. '' run off pretty girl before you regret it'' one of them taunted and my drunk state hated the taunting tone so I moved closer regarding the boy confused.

'' you're the one who called my sister a bitch'' I said now remembering him. a whole fucking smile stretching across my face. '' sweet'' I chimed turning to the two tall men starring at me through unreadable eyes.

'' here boys something to ease the mind'' I said handing them the half empty vodka bottle my body swaying from side to side as I walked.

one of them smirked at me before he took the gun shooting the Noah guy. no that wasn't his name. oh well whatever his name was that guy on the grass.

right through the head.

and then his hands found its way to my waist my own swatting them away '' no touching perv'' I snapped and then everything went dark.

just my fucking luck

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