chapter three

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'peaceful days'

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i was always a great runner.

ever since i was a kid. how i became such i have no idea. but i remember clear as day running around for horus and hours. even after i was adopted.

a habit that stuck with me.

though adonis loved to make a game out of trying to outrun me. he was a terrible runner though so he always failed.

but deep down i knew my brother did so to lighten my mood. because he knew i loved winning. i loved being good at something.

but unfortunately i didn't have the time to run anymore.

i had school, then i had homework- because unlike what some thought of me my education mattered to me, i wanted to be something great and big in life, someone important- and then i had volley training every monday, wednesday and friday.

which usually lasted three hours each. and then i head to stay and help out due to me being the captain of the team.

and when i was finally free i really just wanted to sit down and talk to my siblings and parents.

so running became less of a priority as time passed on.

but today i really needed the fresh air a run gave. ayesha eroticas, literal legend playing through my headphones as i ran pass the gates of the mansion and towards the town.

that feeling of being watched i had in the bathroom long forgotten now that the blood pumped through my body and my music filled my ears.

everything was quiet around me, no one was really out at this time, it was 11 am on a wednesday not really a time for a lot of people.

but i found that bothering me.

i walks into my favorite coffee shop. mrs louverents coffee.

the young barista smiled at me as she always did a nervous smile. i grinned back knowing exactly why she was nervous. '' what can i get you?'' she asked quietly.

she really had no reason to be nervous.'' what do you recommend caroline?'' i asked glancing at her name tag.

she looked uncomfortable as i said her name. '' jesus relax im not gonna do anything, just want some coffee '' i teased and she seemed to relax a bit.

'' i would recommend the latte, its my favorite at least, with a pump of vanilla '' she said softly.

i hummed. she looked like the girl to drink late with vanilla sirup. it didn't truly surprise me. ''get me that then'' i said as i pulled out a twenty dollar bill from behind my phone cover handing it to her '' keep the rest'' i said as she went to put it in the big tip jar.

'' nah ah caroline, you keep it, stuff it in your bra or whatever, im not typing a random bitch im tipping you '' i clarified. she gulped but stuffed the remaining fifteen dollars inot her pocket.

i smirked as she began making my coffee.

but i didn't bother her further. why would i ? she was kind, and i was not surely. but i was no unnecessarily cruel either.

i took my coffee deciding to finish my run off with walking to the park would be an great idea. and so i did such.

but the park wa empty so i quickly left again. no fun in being alone.

it was strange sometimes because all of my siblings wanted to be alone from time to time. everyone appeared to want that. to want some peace to themselves. so why the hell didnt i want that too?

why, why why?

why couldnt i be normal? why did i have to be the black sheep? why did it have to be me?

i entered the mansion the feeling of being watched returning almost instantly. maybe my siblings were playing a prank on me.

the feeling was unsettling and send shivers down my spine and still it comforted me.

like a perfect mixture of fear and worry and warmth. after all people don't watch uninteresting people. and being watched meant i was not alone.

maybe my mind were playing tricks on me, trying to comfort me.

maybe i was just delusional.

'' what are you doing cam?'' ronnie asked as i walked into the kitchen her eyes running over my outfit '' good run?'' she asked.

i hummed absentmindedly my mind drifting off into a messy storm of thoughts and speculations.


i hummed along to the tunes of my playlist. beggin by måneskin playing through my airpods the spiked lemonade glass on the glass table beside me's ice was melting slowly due to the warmth the sun provided.

the warmth i was currently enjoying.

laying on the sunbed outside by the pool gia texting with someone in the sunbed next to me while adonis and rico was trying to see who could last the longest time under water while wrestling with one another.

ronnie was videotaping the whole thing cheering for whichever one appeared to be winning from times to times.

all while vincent was shaking his head looking like an disappointed parent who couldn't understand what he had done to deserve this.

but everyone could se he was also amused by the two idiots in the pool.

it was peaceful.

as it so rarely was, with five siblings running around the house usually wasn't very quiet. or peaceful. but right now it wasn't quiet but it was peaceful.

and then that feeling of being watched returned like the hairs on my neck rose and my eyes instinctively darted around '' you okay carmen you seem off'' vincent asked with furrowed brows.

i faked smiled at him '' yeah just peachy'' i lied.

that feeling of being watched was beginning to worry me more and more. what the hell was going on?

and who the hell was playing with me?


Literally me at 3 am after writing these chapters for you guys.

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