chapter eight

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' be a good girl '

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people looked. it was only natural they did. isn't every day you saw two majestic men with enough power and wealth to buy them all and the entire mall too, serdently not two of such men with a girl like me.

i wasn't insecure no i knew i was beautiful but their stares suddenly made me feel uneasy. i had never felt like that before.

but they made me feel like i wanted gauge their eyes out to make them stop.

and just as the thought began to sound dangerously appealing an arm wrapped around my waist tugging me into the first store of the day.

i know it was spoiled of me but i enjoyed it, when nicolas put down his card snatching my own out of my hand as we were about to pay. it made me feel special. i mean i was a girl after all- and i would be a horrible liar if i said i wasn't the type of girl who loved attention and shopping.

i was a monster in that aspect at least.

but it seemed nicolas and santos both enjoyed getting that joyful reaction out of me. since they kept doing it and at some point it even became a silent bicker among them who payed for what. i could sense it in the way they spoke to one another.

until of course we sat down for lunch with me inbetween the two beasts. '' thank you for today, i quite enjoyed it surprisingly'' i said jokingly. the least i could do was to thank them for all my new stuff and for not having to spend my entire day alone at home crying in bed like an unregulated toddler whos mother forgot to turn on the baby monitor.

'' you could thank us with a date '' nicolas suggested almost instantly as he leaned back in his seat placing his warm big soft hand on my upper thigh the touch feeling familiar from earlier and my body shivering under his touch.

'' i could'' i agreed almost breathlessly as santos hand which had been in my own hand before let go and began to trail from my lower stomach to my hip. '' fuck'' i muttered quietly. as the food came, i was glad it was take out thank fucking god i needed to get out of here before i did something i would undoubtedly regret later.

'' don't swear pretty girl'' santos whispered in my ear helping me up by grabbing my waist almost protectively. '' be a good girl for us, yes?'' he whispered and who was i to do anything but nod as his request?

'' words doll'' he hissed.

'' yes santos'' i replied sweetly regaining my playfulness and dignity as quickly as i lost it. '' shouldn't we be heading to the car ?'' i asked him innocently looking up at him batting my eyelashes.

nicolas was quick to return and get us all going.

'' we want to take you somewhere before we take you home '' he said it wasn't a question but rather a demand.

and i did very very badly with demands. '' i didn't hear a please'' i commented stopping mid track in front of the beautiful black car.

'' what?'' both brutes replied almost confusíed.

'' i didnt hear you say please, i dont follow men i just meets commands, try again guapo '' i said sweetly like i wasnt being the biggest fucking brat on earth and if i wasnt trying to see how far they would let me go. ( handsome in spanish)

santos scoffed while nicolas chuckled. talk about different personalities among twins. '' do you like begging huh princess? do you fantasize about that? us being on our knees for you begging you? are you really that greedy?'' nicolas taunted.

he made me out to be desperate. i wasn't. i was anything but. he could suck himself off for all i cared. i wasn't his princess and no matter how handsome he was i was mocking me. and i hated being mocked.

despised it.

he didn't let me say those things out loud tho because i was soon sitting in his stupid car on his lap sideways while santos hurriedly began driving to god knows where. '' oh your angry huh mia cara? '' nicolas said in a mixture between mockery and softness.

'' i think you offended her nik'' santos chimed in.

'' shut up, im not the one fantasizing about anything please don't act as if you haven't rearranged your pants at least twenty times today'' i said crossing my arms like the childish person i was.

gia was right i was childish. but honestly so where these two idiots. clearly.

suddenly i felt an firm grip on my face turning my face to face nicolas who looked pissed. ''watch your tongue little girl, don't make me punish you already '' he said firmly and yet it made me dripping wet.

'' look at her all horny and desperate for us '' santos taunted.

i didn't say anything because it was true. pricks. '' say the words and well make you feel all better'' nicolas added letting go of my face brushing some strands of hair out of my face.

'' please'' i begged softly, almost so quietly it was a whisper and i was unsure if they heard but we pulled up to a tall building that very moment.

'' as you wish tesoro'' santos said almost sadistically before he lead me inside the building gripping onto my waist tightly while santos did the same from the other side of me.

oh god what had i gotten myself into?

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