chapter seventeen

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' our good girl'

' our good girl'

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authors note!!!!

sorry i havnt been posting in a while, i had work, school, so i was really really busy but i'll try to update alot more these next following weeks. and as always thank you all for reading.

-love venus


carmens pov

one kiss.

two kisses.

one man

two men.

one brother

both brothers

pick and choose.

don't pick and chose.

pick neither.

pick both.

they wouldn't have kissed me right after each other in front of each other if they weren't both an option right?

would it be selfish to keep them both tied and strapped to my side?

to put my claws so deep into them i created everlasting scars on their hearts? if i turned them into mine.

if i couldn't pick.

if i didn't want too pick.

could i do that? i would never dare to ask but a girl could pray couldnt she, even though god rarely listened to me.

maybe this time. maybe this time i could get to keep something. turn into something sacred, something like religion. something no one could defy.

make them gods on pedestals and beg and pray for the feelings they gave me. i could be their only devotee because i would tear all others down.

i would be at their feets to worship whatever feeling or emotion, or pleasure or pain they could offer me. was that so crazy of me to think? to want?

gosh i was a mess.

and it didn't help that we were alone in a moving car with tinted windows, nicolas up front driving while santos was running his hand up and down my thigh bringin that addictive feeling back. making me breathe freely again. making me tense and yet relax.

that feeling i could never explain to anyone because it was simply ecstasy. pure bliz.

why couldnt they be mine? why couldn't this last, why did it feel so fleeting? didn't i to deserve some sort of happiness some sort of serenity?

'' you are overthinking again doll'' he commented softly as he unbuckled my seatbelt pulling me onto his lap a gesture i oddly enough found comforting and reassuring specially when his fingers began to run through my hair.

'' your safe with us tesoro, always, nothing will harm you here'' he cooed as i slowly and hesitantly placed my head on his stone hard chest his heartbeat calming me down even more.

'' good girl'' he praised making warmth pool in my lower stomach.

what the hell.

my hands raised to push him away it felt so sinfully wrong to be close to him and still think of his brother too.

felt pleasurably wrong to think of both of their hands on me, their lips, their hearts carved out for my mercy. so horribly and monstrously wrong.

but he didn't allow me to do such.

instead his hand went from my thigh and straight to my wrists giving me a warning look'' dont you dare little doll'' he warned as nicolas pulled over in an empty parking lot in the middle of no where.

oh god they were gonna kill me weren't they?


'' you think so lowly of us princess'' nicolas mused as he moved to the back seat of the huge car. '' kill you? baby you are never getting rid of us, not even death will do '' he said as he grabbed my face in his hand squeezing my cheeks.

'' see now you've made him angry-'' santos mused still holding onto me though he let go of my wrists and instead settled for placing me between his legs while nicolas was sitting in the seats right in front of us facing me with a primal almost predatory look in his eyes.

i gulped he didn't look particularly angry but rather like he was about to eat me like i was his next victim.

his prey.

and no matter how sick it was i wouldn't mind. i should've never thought about it, strapped up somewhere, chained, them circling me, daring me to make a move, running for my life waiting for them to catch me.

i was dripping by the mere thought.

pathetic really but what could i do other than to pray i would at least get to memorize the look on nicolas face so that i would wake up screaming with pleasure for once instead of terror.

'' spread your legs for us doll'' santos said gripping onto my bare skin on my thighs to the point i feared it would bruise.

i did as i was told. who was i to deny? if they were gonna use me like some toys of theirs i didn't mind as long as i remained their favorite one.

their favorite toy. their pet.

didn't matter as long as they didnt leave me.

how vulnerable i was now. imagine, cold heartless little broken me. how strange it was to be this kind of bare.

nicolas watching intensely as santos hooks his finger under the string of my thong. dragging it down my leg so it hit my angles where we left it.

fuck i was wet. and the mere thought of them able to see what they did to me, how i reacted to them made me even more horny.

nicolas long thick fingers entered my pussy without a warning making me gasp as he plunged them inside me hitting a spot that made me moan loudly forgetting all sorts of embarrassments for a miniature.

'' you like that cara mia? my brothers fingers inside of you while i watch you moan out for him? '' santos mocked as he spread his legs adjusting his pants while his eyes stayed on my bared and dripping went cunt..

fuck. fuck. fuck.

nicolas kept fucking me with his fingers as if he was a madman, and i quite liked it that way.

and then finally i came i couldn't stop it, neither could i stop the way i moaned out his name leaning back into him exhausted and worn out.

'' such a good girl for us'' i heard nicolas whisper in my ear as someone i don't know which one picked me up and placed me on their lap running his fingers through my hair.

'' our good girl'' i heard santos say before i closed my eyes and allowed myself to sleep and snuggle into a hard chest falling asleep to the sound of a steady heartbeat and the the sounds of the car beginning to drive again.

and that feeling returned.

the feeling of serenity and peace. and i cant tell if i said it out loud or not, but i thought. please don't ever leave me. 

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