chapter thirty

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' this is no job for the police'

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it started when i was born the abuse.

i dont remember much of the everyday life, but i remmeber bits. 

and i dont remember a single good day in that home, i remember my father was quiet. i was not his belonging, no he had a girl i think she might've been my sister, but i didnt know.

she was older than me, and she belonged to my father. 

she lived in the basement and i in the attic. we didnt speak or see each other i think i saw her a total of five times but i knew she was in the house i heard her cries and screams. 

i was my mothers toy, she enjoyed watching me. 

she loved stripping me of my clothes and making me clean and cook, and then she made me sit before her naked and touch myself. 

if i disobeyed she would hit me, she didnt want a scared doll. she was careful with that. but she broke bones, she bruised me. but no scars. no scars would make me ugly.

and then one day i saw my father drag out the other girl's body into the backyard. i ddint see her or hear her after that, nor did she return, but he did bloodied. 

after that he would watch me from the shadows. 

whenever my mother would strip me down he would watch too. then one day mother was out. 

i was a child and i didnt know it was wrong what they did, it felt wrong but i was assured it wasnt. so without my mother i felt uncertain, what should i do when no one was there to command me?

so i hid in the closet, scared out of my mind. 

i was glad i did. 

my father stumbled in drunk, he looked around threw my madras on the ground ripped of its sheets then left too. 

then he returned shortly after a girl screaming and kicking in his hold, he held her down as he raped her, moaning my name, she looked like me too. my age, my hair, my body. 

then mother came home, she heard his moans and my name on his lips. she thought it was me too.

so she shot father then gripped the poor girls hair. '' you cheating little whore, your mine '' she said and then she shot the girl too. she thought it was me.

i didnt leave my spot in the closet.

not for two days and then i ran, i ran so fucking fast i thought i was going to die, and then an officer found me shaking and panicked. 

i made a statement , five years old, no one knew it was me, my mother thought it was the neighbourghs. 

but she learned i was alive, somehow. 

two montsh ago she conntacted me, her nickname for me was the only thing she said. ' little whore'

due to lack of evidence she was released i am an eye vitness, im evidence ''

the officer stared at me slight wide eyed. '' find daniella garcia and arrest her for murder and abuse of a minor, along with sexual assult '' the officer spoke into another microphone.

'' i want her in for murder, that girl was innocent '' i said ignoring the other claims, i derserved it. 

the officer starred at me. 

i suppose the police could still be shocked from time to time. '' so were you'' he said softly.

'' im a horrible person officer, that kid was innocent i was not '' i justified. i didnt know why i was justifying her. but i was.

i always was. justifyign it all, i derserved it- i was to blame not her- i was the mistake- she didnt mean it that way- what the fuck was wrogn with me?

he tilted his head confused. '' how old are you kid?'' he asked kindly. 

'' nineteen '' i said weakly.

'' are you sure you want to testify, i can not qarenty you will not have to make a statement, at court '' the offcier spoke. i closed my eyes. 

i sighed lowered my head. '' yes im sure'' i muttered. 

'' but i want protection, she dosent know its me thats the vitness but she'll come for me, i want protection, i want to be hidden and secured until the court hearing '' i said and the officer stared at me. 

'' were you the only girl in the house beside your sister?'' the officer asked ignoring my plead. 

'' no i was not'' i said after a breath.

'' you'll have protection but you will not go to court, she will be handeled but prison isnt enough'' he said and i didnt know what he meant until he added a name

a name even i knew.

i was a mafia kid after all.

i was after all in the mafia. i knew the name. i feared the name like any other sensible person.

'' the serpent will take care of this'' 

i opened my mouth to protest, i was afraid. 

but worst of all i was sympathetic i was scared on behalf of the very same woman who ruined me. i was afraid of what i would be if she was dead-

what part of me would i have left?

i knew i could always return to her. my own personal hell. i could always return to hell. it was cruel to the others who suffered, it was cruel to myself and to my family. and it was scary and fucked up but it was the truth. 

she was my mother after all.

atleast she had been before i was adopted. 

she had been my world once. 

even if she had been evil. 

'' you will be safe carmen, i promise you, you will be safe'' the officer said before standing up leaving me alone in the room. 

i did not move. 

i did not breathe- atleast it felt like i wasnt breathing but i must've been. my body ached and yet it was numb. my head was hurting and my chest colapsing in on itsself. 

i did not know how much time passed.

i did not know when i opened my tightly shut eyes again. all i knew was that a soft voice spoke to me. 

my name falling over sweet lips. a soft voice, a kind voice, one of a mother, one that reminded me of my mother, my real mother rue nystrom.

'' hallo carmen why dont we sit and chat you and i?'' the voice asked i opened my eyes slightly seeing a beutiful latino woman.

the serpent. 

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