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first of all welcome to my book. this is the orignal work of mine, it is not copied and do not try to copy it. if there are some similarities between this book and and another book of another author that is a conicidence and not a theft of work. 

also this book and all of my other books is writting purely for my own entertainment, which means that if you have mean or cruel comments to say i will mute you because it is not the intention of this book to be anything for me but a mere project to have fun with. and i have enough issues to deal with this is no place where i will allow people to talk dirty about my work neither will i allow them to talk bad about me or others. 

please take into mind i am only fifteen years old and that english is not my first language. so if you have any nasty comments just remember you are telling it to a literal fifteen year old. 

like guys come on. not cool. 

if you dont like my work kindly fuck off and find somewhere else to write bullshit because my comment section is not the place. thank you very much.

however useful critism is always welcome as is all the other comments ofcourse. 

this is also not a soft romacne book if you could not already tell by the title. 

so there will be alot of themes triggering to some people, so if any of the subject below trigger you or make uncomfortable this is not the right book for you, and there truely is no shame of clicking out of it and saying its not for you. 

the triggering themes included in this book is as follows:

- rape


- daddyissues.


- selfharm




- murder, violence, crime, etc.

- mental disroders, eating disorders, etc.

i will also mention as some might've noticed this is the first book in the nystrom series which follows the nystrom family and their induvidial stories.

but this book is like all my others connected with one another, which means you will find characters that will or have been mention in other books of mine. 

now i hope you enjoy this book as much as i enjoyed writing it.

- love venus.

and please dont forget to vote and comment.

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