chapter elleven

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' love is love '

third persons pov

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third persons pov.

adrian was always the closest parent to carmen. not because she wasn't close to her mother but rather because adrian was the first one to show her what a parent meant.

it was like that with most of their kids. one child found more comfort in rue, and another in adrian it seemed almost natural to the family.

and now adrian was pacing.

'' i don't like it'' he snapped suddenly not at anyone in particular. even though he knew he was not alone about his opinion it still felt wrong to say it outloud. carmen deserved to find love and how would she do so if they kept her locked up?

then again it was no secret carmen tended to love people who harmed her, making excuses and seeing past abuse.

she had done it before and could do it again and weather the marino brothers meant harm or not was still unclear to the rest of the family.

'' nothing will happen, shes going to be fine she doesn't know them well enough to have bonded with them yet, no worries there'' adonis said though he himself found the statement doubtable.

and he was wrong of course. because carmen had bonded with the two brothers, more than she had ever done with any other man.

''please tell me you're all fucking kidding right? its our sister, your daughter! for fuck sake why arent we all fucking killing the bastards for even being close to her?'' rico snapped.

he had always been the closest to carmen, like they were born twins instead of adoptive siblings. both always depending on one another.

'' love is love, you'll see one day'' rue said softly as she reassured her rigid son. '' beside if they give us one reason to doubt their motives with her their dead, but until then your all going to stay away and let it play out like carmen wants it too'' rue demanded.

meanwhile a few hours away carmen slept peacefully for once. no disturbance and no worries. she sleepy comfortably.

with two men known as monsters and beasts, beside her sleeping just as peacefully almost innocently.

two men known for killing anything that dared to move out of the line they dictated. two heartless brutes who tortured people until death was a mercy, men who was willing to steal her away if needed. to hide her and confine her if it became necessary.

two very very dangerous men.

and yet when carmen stirred she smiled at the embrace she was in cuddled up in between them.

carmen didn't see two monsters, she saw two men willing to cure her fright.

who was she to turn away if they stayed? no she couldn't leave them now, not now when she had given something of herself to them eve if it wasn't her virginity it was still more than any man had claimed before.

at least the pleasure were the action however was another talk for another day.

a horrible talk.

she let the thought go not wanting to think about it. if she could just forget, and remember the rest. if she could just forget the parts she remembered and remember the parts she didn't like her siblings.

but she wasnt that lucky.

her hand reached up to trace out nicolas tattoos. he let out a low growl of sorts making carmen stop in her tracks like a frightened deer caught in headlights.

'' keep going'' he muttered clutching her waist tighter while his brother still sleepy carefully. she slowly began tracing the ink almost hesitantly.

as if afraid it would vanish.

children often did that, neglected children at least. nicolas noted mentally. thought anything and everything given would be snatched away. food and water, clothes, people-

he didn't want to delve into it. it would only leave him wanting to kill someone for now he would act as if he was sleeping like he knew santos had been doing for the past twenty minutes.

but the thought didn't want to leave once it festered.

she acted childlike right now. not in a bad sense. but in the way an innocent child inspects new things with curiosity. and then that broken side of her they knew where there shinned through, the hesitance, the slight tremble the worry she might not have felt right there but was buried deep in her soul always there never leaving.

it drove him mad.

'' they're pretty'' she whispered softly almost dreamlike.

she was to tied to care what she said or how she sounded. what plays she had to play. she would play them later, plays and games keept people on their toes and interested. yeah she would play her games later and get them hooked on her again.

that was the only way she knew how to keep attention. getting it was easy.

but not enough.

'' so, so pretty '' she murmured before sighing settling for nuzzling further into santos embrace as he was holding her from behind, before she pulled nicolas more towards her so he was skin to skin with her. '' don't eave me yet'' she pleaded silently.

or prayed.

the brothers couldn't tell which one it was but either way they listened. 

me realising i have to write filler chapters to get to the part i love :

me realising i have to write filler chapters to get to the part i love :

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