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Paw's Shop

You moved back to Australia after graduation, You think on what to do after school so you can chill around after hard work. You thought of having a new job so you can save money for anything you need and so on you can save money for emergency stuff. You want to go out for a moment and wear a green sweater and short, you wear a pair of sneakers and grab your phone and headphones then going to the front door and went outside.

You walk to the sidewalk with your headphones plugged on your phone with music playing on it. Paper crown.
You hummed a little of the lyrics as you stop when you find yourself on a shop with a poster that they needed a registration? Like on the counter ? You ask to yourself and that's a maybe.

You went in the shop and you can smell the the coffee powder on your nostrils as you walk inside. You saw a blonde girl on the counter cleaning the coffee maker and you walk to her and cross your arms. "Hello, what can I help you?" Said the woman "Oh uhmm... I saw the poster pm the window, um.. I figure out that I need a job so maybe I could get a job here?" You lean on the counter and the woman smiled and nodded "Sure! I would love to have you in!" She said and you got confused usually because some other local jobs, they need a certain information about you or somewhat need to interview the person who need the job.

"Wait so... your just gonna take me in and not interview me?" You ask "No! Actually it's my first time opening this shop so I'm glad you'll join!" She claps excitedly making you giggle "Okay okay, that's wow... okay when Uhmmm... when do I start?" You ask yet again "Now!" She replied and got to the cabinets below the counter and got a uniform out and held it to you "My name is Haley! Here's your uniform!" Shw introduced "I'm y/n" you replied and she nodded.

You followed her in the counter and she trained you how to serve, or somehow make some perfect coffee into the menu.
You got it so easily because your mother loves coffee and you saw her make one as a business back in your hometown. After training you cleaned up whatever you see is dirty and your first costumer arrive. The door opens and the bell rings and you prepared yourself and saw a cop walking to the counter looking at the menu "Hello sir! What can I get for you today?" You ask confidently "I'll have a Espresso please" You nodded and prepare the order, after that, you gave it to him "That will be 3.45$" He gave you 5 dollars and he told you to keep the change and you took the tio and the cop left. It was your first time having this job and you did great.

Time skip-

It was 6 pm and you and Haley closed the shop after job and you walk back home, you got your phone out when you arrive on your apartment and went in, You quickly open your Instagram and saw your Celebrity Crush posted, you slimed as you stalk ever pictures he post.

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