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Im sorry for not updating for a while, I was reviewing since my examination is early for now. And I hope you understand that, I was schholing to do TBH but I wanted to update this so bad but I was too busy since we have tons of catching up and reports in school. And I need to pass this Quarter! Thank you for understanding:)).

"I said enough! Stop touching my legs!" Morgan gave you a teasing chuckle, he stops and stares at you teasingly, he has a smirk on his lips and his eyes were piercing on yours like a sharp and cold sword just stabbed on you but at the same time at a loving stare.

"I'm not even touching you... You wanted this" He smirked, he then kissed you on your cheeks"Enough! I'm not liking this Morgan... I swear!" You sit up making him stop on what he's doing, his smirk fades and just continue to look at you blankly, You gave out a sigh and just swing your legs and stood up and walk away from the bed.

"Y/n! C'mon! We're just getting to the fun part! We're finishing what we've started!" He teased again and you just cant get enough of it already. You stopped at the door "C'mon..." Morgan says with a low tone, he knows you were annoyed and he needs to stop so he did. You sigh and turn around and face him "I'm sorry okay..." He gave you a loud sigh and grab your hand and pulled you close.

"all I wanted was you in my arms... So I can make you feel safe and protected... I'm sorry if I over touched you..." He spoke in a low husky town but you know he is not stopping just yet.

"Morgan... I told you... I said no" you turn around facing him, "...C'mon, you can't say no to me" he smiled weakly "No, Morgan" you jerk your hand off of his and cross your arms "It's either you stop or you won't be sleeping with anyone in the bed" you threatened and he chuckles like he isn't so fazed by it.

"A threat?" He ask "It's a promise" you replied after that. His smile fades and sigh out before chuckling again, he took a step forward to you and kissed you.

You took no time to return the kiss, after that, you pulled away but Morgan pulled you back in for more kisses once more. He gave you more than just 10 second kiss and pull away.

He stares at you and smiled "...My lovely girl..." He says and you giggled on how the way he said that, he was like drunk and speaking like seducing you but you just laughed, he stares at you confusingly as trying to understand why'd you laugh.

"what?" He ask, "Nothing, nothing" you snickered a little putting your hand into a fist covering your mouth to stop you from laughing "No tell me" he replied pulling you closer to him "Your weird!" You gave him a little nudge off his chest and he chuckles "You liked that" your face turned to a weird look at him feeling disgusted but he was right and you don't want to admit that.

"Shut up, Davies" you kiss his cheek and he chuckled and lift you up "Whaaat are you doing?!" You added getting lift off the ground, he smirked at you "Finishing what we've started" he replied and threw you to the bed.

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