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You planned to go out on a date with Morgan on the park, but, your friends thought that maybe if you surprise him by his birthday today, he already turns 22 and You can say you were proud of him, You thought about it too, Morgan knows its just  date but, maybe surprise him.

You agreed and you have 12 hours to prepare for his birthday, you told him to wear something nice and he replied and agree with you. You quickly grab everything you need and buy some stuff to prepare for the surprise, You walk in the park and saw Emily's dad talking to some people, By the way, he owns the park, lol, Emily hugged her dad and you assume they were pretty close.

Emily told about the surprise and he agreed, You cheered happily and started decorating the whole place, I mean not the whole whole place but just some spaces:).

It was about 4 pm, and Morgan texted you.


💓 My baby boy 💓

Just now at 4:35 PM.

Baby boy: Hey babe... uhmm... I hate to tell you about this but.. i cant go... I'm sorry.


You almost tear up, upset he couldn't come. You turn to your friends and they saw your face. "Y/n?.. what's... wrong?" Amanda ask and check your phone. You burst out, tearing up, Beth hugged you and you hug her back, it wasnt a big deal but... you've done all of this for him, and he can't come.

After calming you down, you cant help but to be upset, you told your friends to go home and the party isnt happening they just stood there and stay with you.

"Y/n... it's okay, he will come, maybe hes just acting ya know" Beth says and everyone nods except for you "No... he wont..." you frown and you began to sob again, Emily just scoff and continue decorating "No emily, hes not coming, stop that..." Emily keep continuing the decorations and the others helped her.

You smiled and you were grateful your friends stayed and helped you. "Thanks guys..." You said while your voice is shaky.
After decorating, a car stopped by, you keep looking for your phone "Hey em, have you seen my phone?" You ask and she grabs it and gave it to you. You saw that Emily chatted Morgan's friends and so his mom.

"YOU DID WHAT!!" you said and Emily chuckles and you havent met his mom yet.
"Heh, sorry girl, I have to, Morgan is coming, he have no choice but to, I told him that you were upset soooo" You burst out screaming "WHY?!" "Causeee! You shouldn't lie" she says and you were dont decorating everything and you saw Morgan's mom came.

"Hey, sweetie, I heard that you are Morgan's lover? Am I right?" You nodded "Y-yeah, nice to meet you!.. uhh- Emily didnt told em you were coming for the surprise" you replied "Oh please! I will" She says and gifts were places in another table separate from the food table.

You saw Morgan's car parked, You told emily to turn off the gairy lights to make it dark so she did. There was a big tree and the fairy lights and Emily's dad helped you to decor it from the tree, it was Christmas lights that you arent using after decorating the Christmas tree with Morgan.

"Uhh? Guys?.. Are you here?.." Morgan says and the lights immediately opens and everyone shouts "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!"

Morgan drops the flowers shocked, his eyes widen and he turns to you, everyone starts to sing Happy birthday and you got the cake out and step in front of him.

You also start singing, Morgan smiles and he almost tear up, his eyes were teary and a drop came down, after singing "Haply birthday, love..." You say "Now close yours eyes and wish" you added and he closes his eyes and wished before opening his eyes.

He blew the candles and everyone cheers and claps, He hugged you and You handled the cake to Amanda and you broke the hug "I got you something" you sing and got your gift and gave it to him "Oh love, you dont have to get me anything. You're enough for me as a gift" he says tucking the strand of your hair behing your ear, he kissed you and everyone cheers for you two.

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