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Your boyfriend Morgan was on his way home after a long day of work as an actor.
You were sitting in the living room quietly reading and taking quick glances at the tv as you were watching something.

You hear your front door unlock and quickly open, footsteps come down the entrance way and into the living room unveiling your very tired boyfriend Morgan.

"Morgan!!" You run up to him, you gave him a warm hug, he snaked his hand over your waist burying his face on your neck, he smiled and you can feel his breathing on your neck, he pulled you close and his ome foot closed the door and he kissed your neck.

You broke the hug still on his grasp, you smiled widely, "Hi, Love..." he say in his tired voice, his voice was a little scratchy and you assume he did a lot of work on the script. You gave him a kiss and pulled him to the  couch and took his bags and his sweater. You sat down and look up to him.

"Hows the movie?"

"It was alright, tiring a lot." He replied giving you a peck on the cheek. You
smiled an dkiss on top of his head, and went to the laundry room ,"Very tired." Morgan said, he got up really slowly to go to the table.
He sat down and began eating the pasta for dinner almost immediately, he had a big appetite.
"They are very good." Morgan said to you as he was eating."Its almost 9 love, you are tired" "Very tired." Morgan said, he got up really slowly to go to the table.
He sat down and began eating the pasta almost immediately, he had a big appetite.
"They are very good." Morgan said to you as he was eating. Morgan ate his food in about 5 minutes as he was really hungry. After he ate his dinner, he Carrie's you and sat down on the couch, you sat on his lap hugging him tight, "You know Morgan.. Honestly I've never have a relationship like this before, I love you... a lot..." you said while looking at him, he smiles and kissed you, he broke the kiss seconds later, it wasnt too quick or too long, just a little right amount of affection, "I love you too... so much..." he replied, you and Morgan watch a Movie, it's very random, something interesting or something, And after that you both went to sleep.

He had already woken up some and he really wanted to help you out with the laundry.
"Can I help you with that?" Morgan asked you.
He really enjoyed being with you. You smiled "Sure" you nodded and when you started the laundry it immediately stop "Shoot..." you check on what's going on inside the laundry and saw the screw was not tight so younreach your hand and twist the screw tightly Morgan noticed that the machine suddenly stopped, he looked at you.
"Everything okay?" Morgan asked you as you tried to fix the screw.
"Do you want me to help you with it?" Morgan asked you.
Morgan was very attentive to your needs and cared for you."All good" you sigh then close the door of the laundry machine and start it, Morgan smiled as he did the dishes after you started the laundry.
He was cleaning up the dishes as the laundry got going.
"I know you are tired from work so I thought I would get the dishes done." Morgan said to you with a soft smile on his face.
"Can I ask you something?" Morgan asked you."Did you mean what you said yesterday at the couch?" Morgan asked you.
He was hoping for a positive answer on that.
He looked at you excitedly and he waited for your answer. "I do love you"

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