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~• Bad terms •~

Credits to: My Muffin Man!!

Night before...

It was 10 pm and still you couldn't sleep because your friends were planning on having a girls night today at 11. You were in a video call with all of them on your GC. 

"Sooooo? You guys in?" Haley asks.

"Yeahh!!" All the girls cheered.

"Good! Now inform any people you have a relationship with, cause we don't wanna get in trouble" Haley says and every giggles andaugh with her. They hung up and you immediately texted Morgan.

Muffin Man 💅❤️‍🩹🧁

Yesterday at 6:56 PM

Muffin Man!!: Hey, princess, I'll be out with friends today. We're going to visit a friend, Yuna, her brother died and it's very sad...

Lazy Muffin: sure love!! Be safe and tell Yuna I said hi. I love you, I wish I could be there for her :(.  But I'm busy right now.

Muffin Man!!: I know princess, don't overwork okay? Rest when you need. I love you, princess. Stay safe. 😘💕

Lazy Muffin 🧸: I love you too!! Pleas be safe 😘.

Muffin Man!!: I will.

Today at 11:48 PM

Lazy Muffin 🧸: Hey love! I was just gonna ask... The girls planned smt. Can I go?.

Muffin Man!!: What time? Princess it's 11 Pm, Where? Who will you be with? Who invited you?.

Lazy Muffin 🧸: Bae! Relax!! I sill don't know when, but they told me it's today. All the girls know.

Muffin Man!!: No.

Lazy Muffin 🧸: What! Why?? :(

Muffin Man: Not today! It's 11, princess. You can't go.

Lazy Muffin 🧸: Please??

Muffin Man!!: I said No.

Lazy Muffin 🧸: aww :(

Muffin Man!!: Sleep, princess... You have to go to work tomorrow. I don't want you staying up this late.

Lazy Muffin 🧸: How about you?! You're staying until 3 am!!

Muffin Man!!: It's my decision. Not yours.

Lazy Muffin 🧸: I'll go out with the girls.

Muffin man!!; I SAID NO Y/N L/N!! It's dead of night and I am.not letting your that gate!!.

Lazy Muffin 🧸: I hate you.

Muffin Man!!: Oh I love you too Y/n. You're not allowed to be out this time.


You just didn't reply to him. You threw your your phone beside you and groan covering you eyes with your arms. You didn't realize you fell asleep.

Today was your birthday, you've turned 22! Finally old enough to go out by yourself with your friends and specially with your Boyfriend. You grab your stuff and head to the Shop. You've been working hard for everything on the past year because you want to have a stable life.

Morgan was waiting outside, his back was resting on the side of the car and you stopped when you saw him. You and Morgan weren't in good terms last night, He was still fighting and keep demanding you not to visit any man or even your friends. You never had a freedom once it comes to him. You hate it obviously. Who doesn't get mad when someone isn't letting you out with the girls or even at a party you got invited in?.

You can see his smirk forming on his lips, he started to stand properly and you mad euour way out of the gate of your apartment. You walk pass him. Morgan's smirk fades and he quickly grabbed your wrist.

"Going somewhere, princess?" He said in a low tone, although it almost make your knees weak you just hide it.

"To the Shop, Now leave me alone, Davies" you reply with a threatening voice.

"And? You'd expect me to let you just wait for a taxi? Or even walk there? I think not, princess" His grip tightens on your wrist and he pulled you close, closing the space between you two.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that!" You snapped, he chuckles.

"Oh really? Let me remind you who's in charge of this relationship of ours, hmm? Would you like that?" He says, you can't even make up a word or a valid reason to reply on what he just said.

"Good, now, let's go" He added and open the door for you, you sigh and hop in the passenger seat and he closes the door. Morgan hops right in and out on the seat belt and started driving towards the Shop.

"How have you been, princess?" Morgan ask, you were looking at the window avoiding eye contact with him.

"Good." You reply, he didn't like the fact your reply is dry and it was a turn off to him. He gave you a sigh and he place his hand on your thighs and caress it.

"I know you're mad at me... I'm sorry for not letting you out with the girls yesterday... Baby, it's 12 Pm that night and... I don't want you to be in danger. Please understand how dangerous it is to be out there in the dead of night." He explains, you couldn't help but just to forgive him.

Yes, he was overprotective, but you love that kind of personality, somtimes not. You look down to his hand and back at his face. He was focusing on the road while keeping the glance at you.

"I love you, princess." He smiles glancing at you.

"I love you too, Morgan..." You smile weakly and place you hand on his "I'm sorry... It's just the time where I get to spend with my besties... And you... You were right..." You look down.

Morgan's hand went to your chin and he made you look up at him, he was glancing at you and the road.

"I know, princess, cheer up, we'll go to the movies tonight with them, and tell them bring their lovers so it'll be fun so they won't be left out." He replies with a beautiful and warm smile.

"Really?" You ask hold his hand "Yes, princess".

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