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"I love you too"

You woke up with your phone ringing to a notification in 4 am, you open the the notification and saw that Morgan saw your message and replied to it just... 2 minutes ago...



Yesterday at 7:14 PM

YOU: Good evening morgan, I'm sorry to disturb but ... I love you sm...

Today at 4:00 AM

morganlogoff: Hey :), I love you too, thanks for supporting me. Have a good day as always love you dearest. 😚.


You got your pillow again throwing your phone beside you and cover your face with the pillow and scream yet again, Malcom on the other hand woke up "You okay?" Malcom says rubbing his eyes "Yeah, morgan actually replied to my message yesterday!" You said then replying on the text, he was online or active.



Today at 4:00 AM

morganlogoff: Hey :), I love you too, thanks for supporting me. Have a good day as always love you dearest. 😚.

You: OMG- I was just dared to do it but I'm serious I'm still a big fan :).

morganlogoff: •••



Your pov

I waited for his reply, but I stead of replying to your text he called me, I sat up and couldn't believe my eyes. Should I answer? Or shouldn't. I didnt think secondly and just answered.

I heard his Australian voice and I turn red as a tomato. "Hey lovely" "OMG HIII!!!" I replied "How are you?" "All good" I replied.

Morgan and I talked for a little while when he mentioned "So? You were dared because of your girl friends? Wow" he laughed "Yeah, it was my turn and I didnt expect that the dare was gonna be texting you" I replied playing with my blanket "Wow, Tell me, who's this friend of yours?" He asked "Oh, get name is Haley, Why'd you ask?" I replied "Nothing, I'm sure they're just teasing ya" I laughed at his comment "They really are a tease" I said standing walking in the kitchen.

"Y/n... uhmm weird question if... may I ask?"
He replied "Oh sure? What's up?" I asked "Do you... have like uh... uhmm... a boyfriend?" My eyes widen when he asked "n-no?....." I stuttered "W-well uhmm... can I ask you to dinner tonight?" I didn't speak somewhat out of my mind "Y/n?.." his voice was blurry in my ear I cant barely hear him zoning out...

"Y/N?!" "Y/N!!" "Y/NNNNNNNNN" I blinked a little after zoning out "S-sorry..." I replied "So? Is that a Yes?" I can't think.... I sigh "Yes..." I heard his scream "YESSSSS! WOOOOHO!!" I laughed "S-sorry... I'm just... happy you said yes" He giggle "I guess im in a dream... wow" I replied "Not a dream at all, beautiful" I turned red when he called Beautiful... I smiled "...Wow morgan, I never actually expected this much from the dare" I replied "Ha! I guess your lucky love" He replied, and I nodded "Yes I am... thank you Morgan... you made me happy" "No problem Y/n... Be ready by 7, I'll pick you up just text me your address" He ordered "Sure" I reply "Alrjght love, I have to go, I'll see you at 7, I love you" I smiled "I love you too... Take care Morgan" He hang up and I put my phone down smiling at myself.

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