chapter 310

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Elsa sat in the gravesite of her family, looking at the graves of Jenna, Amelia, her first child she miscarried, and her daughter.

She had Gwen’s ashes with her, and just by looking at the glass bottle, one could see the blood stain on the ashes. The blood had stained the ashes when she picked it up after Jeremy tried to destroy it.

‘Your time will come, Mr. Callahan. And just like you, I will show you no mercy,’ Elsa thought to herself.

Looking at her family she couldn’t help but feel guilty. “I’m so sorry, Mum, Grandma, and my two children. I haven’t come to visit you in two years. I’ve only been with Gwen’s ashes this entire time. But from now on, I’ll follow my routine and come after every two weeks.”

Despite Elsa not being around to take care of the graves, they looked very tidy, with flowers on each one.

The flowers couldn’t have been more than a few days old, which was confusing. Who would put flowers on her family’s graves?

Why would her family’s grave look this clean and well taken care of despite Elsa not being around to do that work?

Elsa decided not to think too much about it and assumed it could be Alex or Hayley. She would ask them later.


Elsa stood in front of the house, a beautiful home that Esther was living in thanks to the money Victoria gave her, which she got from the McConnells.

She stayed alone because her husband was in jail for changing Elsa’s data. Something Elsa learnt Jeremy was behind. But despite that, she wasn’t impressed. She would have taken John down even if Jeremy didn’t do it himself. Just because he did doesn’t mean he was forgiven. Because Elsa still hated him.

Elsa had a plan, and the first person she was taking down was Esther. Her mother’s revenge and justice were way overdue.

Esther had to get her karma for what she did to Jenna. Elsa had her team ready, knowing Esther’s evening routine from having someone watch her.

Esther would normally go for an evening jog around the block because she wanted to remain as young and energetic as possible.

Elsa had her girl ready in a deserted corner where Esther would pass during her jog.

Elsa drove down there and met with her as soon as Esther left the house for her jog. She needed to see Esther’s first-time reaction herself. The corner had trees and bushes, perfect for hiding.

Esther started jogging down the street. As she reached closer to that corner, she felt like she was being watched.

But when she looked around, she didn’t spot anyone. She threw that thought away, thinking it was nothing.

She kept jogging towards the corner, only for that feeling to intensify and bother her even more. She decided to speed up her pace and started running faster.

Just as she reached the corner and was about to take a turn, she heard some weird noises coming from the trees and bushes nearby.

The noises were weird, like rustles and mumbles. It was almost like the wind was talking.

Esther felt restless at that moment. She stopped in her tracks and tried to listen closely. The voice sounded low and unclear at first, like a whisper.

Esther could barely hear what it was saying.

Only for it to sound like a loud shout all of a sudden, “Esther!”

Esther jumped in fear as her heart skipped a beat.

“Eeesther! Eeeestheeeer!!! Eeestheeerrr!!” The voice stretched out her name as it screamed in a loud and scary voice.

The voice sounded familiar. Like Esther had heard it before.

Despite that, Esther assumed that the children living nearby were trying to play a prank on her. “Who is that? Who is trying to play tricks on me? I am coming there, and I will beat you children with no manners!”

After she said that, the calling of her name stopped.

Esther sighed with relief. It was just some idle children trying to prank her. They must be her neighbors or something, that’s why they knew her name.

She calmed down and started walking down the corner.

The moment she reached the spot, a holographic expert pressed the button.

A hologram of Jenna Halverson started flashing in front of Esther.

Jenna was dressed as a mental patient and was standing in front of the road with a sad look on her face.

Esther let out a blood-curdling scream the moment she was that face.

“Ghost! Ghost!” she screamed. She tried to run away, only to fall hard on her butt.

Elsa grinned in a sinister way. She had plenty of time to prepare for this. ‘Esther Rowland, let’s see how you like it when someone turns you mental.’



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