chapter 365

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"Jeremy, why are we here?" Elsa inquired, feeling confused.

They were standing in front of the four graves of people she loved with all her heart. This was her saddest, happiest, coldest and safest place.

"To pay a visit to my wife's family members," he said with a smile.

Jeremy crouched down and removed the dried flowers from each grave, including the two for their children.

Elsa didn't even know Jeremy knew about those graves. Was Jeremy the one putting flowers on the graves when she was away? She had to ask.

"Jeremy, were you the one taking care of these graves when I wasn't around?" Jeremy nodded. "It's the least I could do."

Elsa didn't know what to say. Should she be thankful for that?

Jeremy then walked over to the first grave, which was Jenna Halverson's.

He then said to Elsa, "The reason why these roses are peach in color is because they represent gratitude and appreciation."

He then turned to Jenna. "Miss Jenna Halverson, I never got a chance to meet you and never will because I don't think a man like me will be allowed in heaven. (Laughs nervously) But I want to say thank you. Thank you for giving birth to and raising Gwen and my Elsa. You were a mother, a provider, and a protector to them, and I want to say thank you. Thank you for Gwen. Thank you for Elsa. Also, I want to apologize for how I treated your daughter. She didn't deserve any of it, and I know that now. I swear to you, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her."

Elsa, felt pain in her heart when she heard those words.

He then proceeded to the next grave, which was Amelia's.

He then said to Elsa, "I chose 15 roses for the next three because 15 roses represent remorse. They say, 'I am truly sorry. Please forgive me.' And I want to say sorry to the next three people for what I did."

Elsa inhaled sharply when she heard that. She looked calm on the surface, but her heart was beating fast.

But she said nothing and just watched what Jeremy was doing.

He then turned to the grave and said, "Miss Amelia Halverson, your granddaughter came to me the day you had a heart failure and needed a transplant, and I refused to help her. I used to help you, my grandmother-in-law. And for that reason, I deeply apologize. I am so sorry for my ignorance, my cruelty, and my behavior. When Elsa married me, she became my family, which means that you became my family too, and me refusing to help family... (Sighs shakily) I need you to forgive me for that, okay?"

When Elsa saw Jeremy approaching the grave of the child she had miscarried next, her heart now started beating uncontrollably fast.

Jeremy went down on one knee in front of the child's grave, a tear dropping from his left eye as his face looked extremely remorseful. He placed the third bouquet of flowers on the grave and began to speak.

"My baby. My first child. It's your father here, and I am very sorry. It's my fault we lost you. Your father killed you, and that is something he can never reverse." He tried to blink away his tears and prevent his voice from cracking.

He continued, "I'm sorry, my child. I never gave you a chance to be born into this world. I took that from you. I took away the joy of having you from your mother and me. I caused her to miscarry, something I will live to regret for the rest of my life. I don't know if you can forgive me, but please do. I said a lot of bad things about you to your mother. I thought I wouldn't miss you, I thought I wouldn't love you. But the truth is, I do right now. I can't stop thinking about you, about who you could have been. If only I could turn back time to that moment when we lost you, I would punch myself in the face and stop myself from making the mistake that cost us you. I think about that day every day, and I hate myself for what I did to you and your mother. I just hope that fate will give us another chance and bring you back to us. And I promise you that I will be the best father to you. But if reincarnation and second chances at life are not true, then I'll make it up to you when I see you again in the afterlife."

Hearing those words, Elsa felt conflicted. She did not know what to feel at that moment.

He then moved to the grave of the child Elsa lost in prison. He placed 15 roses on the grave before kneeling down in front of it.

"Hi baby girl. How are you today?... I have to say I am sorry. I was also a cruel father to you too. I thought it would be okay to lose you, I thought it wouldn't matter. If only I knew how wrong I was. I should have been there when you were born. I should have protected you and taken care of you. Hell, I shouldn't have allowed your mother to go to jail where you were born and lost. Why can't time just give me another chance? For me to be a true father to you. For me to earn your forgiveness. Baby girl, I'm so sorry. It's my fault. It's my fault that you're not in your mother's arms right now. I should have taken care of her and her pregnancy with you. And I know I didn't do right by both of you, and I need you to forgive me for that. I love you, and I always will, okay?... Don't forget that."

When he finished his speech, his eyes were red and his lashes were soaked with tears that he had been fighting not to let fall.

After he finished, he turned to Elsa, who was looking at him with a blank expression on her face.

She had so many mixed feelings in her head, and he did not know how to feel about what Jeremy had just said to her mother, grandmother, and her two children.

Jeremy walked over to Elsa and pulled her into his arms, hugging her tightly. Elsa just stood there like a statue, not moving and not hugging him back.

She wanted to kill him, she wanted to beat him up, she wanted to take a gun and shoot him....

"I'm so sorry, Elsa. Please forgive me for everything. Please," Jeremy pleaded.

But before Elsa could answer, Jeremy suddenly dropped down on one knee.

He put his hand in his pants pocket as though he wanted to take something out. And he did.

Because that night, he had something for Elsa as well.

Under Elsa's puzzled gaze, Jeremy took out a dark blue velvet box from his pants pocket.

He held the box facing Elsa and opened it. Inside the velvet jewelry box was a sparkling diamond ring.

When Elsa looked at the ring box that Jeremy was holding, she was shocked. "Jeremy, what... What are you doing?" she asked quickly and nervously, trying to maintain a calm expression on her face.

Jeremy just smiled shyly. "Elsa Halverson, I want to do right by you. I want a chance to do right by you. So, I want to ask you right here, in front of my in-laws and our children... Will you agree to a vow renewal ceremony with me? So that we can embark on the next stage of our married life together?"

He then looked at Elsa, asking the question clearly with love in his eyes. "Elsa Halverson... Would you do me the honor of marrying me again?"

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