chapter 357

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Jeremy came out of his office to find Braden's nanny holding Braden in the living room, who was crying his little eyes out. "When did he come back?"
Jeremy asked, looking around to see if Elsa was nearby. But she wasn't.

"Almost an hour ago, Master Jeremy," the nanny answered.

"And why is Braden crying?" he asked as he took the child from the nanny.

"I have no idea. I found him in his bedroom crying, and he didn't calm down no matter how much I tried to comfort him."

Jeremy looked at the child and asked his nanny again, "Did you see him when he came back?"

"I did, Master Jeremy," the nanny answered.

"Was he crying then?" he asked, comforting the child. He hoped that this had nothing to do with Elsa. He knew it didn't, though. At least not in a negative way.

The nanny replied, "Braden was very happy when he came back. I wanted to make him some snacks, but his mom took him to his room. I don't understand what happened after that. But I just found him crying on the floor."

When Jeremy heard that, he was confused. "Victoria was here?"

"Yes, Master Jeremy. She was."

Jeremy looked at Braden and asked, "What happened, Braden? You can tell your father."

He wondered if Victoria did or said something to him to make him so sad and cry this much.

Braden was hiccuping as he said, "Daddy, don't throw me away." A tear fell down his cheek after he said that.

Jeremy looked at his son, confused.
"What are you talking about? Why would I throw you away? Where did that come from?"

Braden wanted to say who told him that but stopped himself, remembering Victoria's warning.

Seeing his quiet, Jeremy was about to persuade him to tell him when his phone started ringing in his pocket
He took it out and saw it was his first private investigator.

He answered it immediately, hoping there was some news about how Braden was kidnapped.

After listening to what the investigator found out, Jeremy did not hear anything that showed Victoria was behind it. This investigation showed that Victoria had nothing to do with it, and there were no traces of her being involved.

Jeremy thanked him for his services before hanging up.

And just when he did, he heard Elsa's voice coming from behind him. "What happened to Braden? Why is he crying?"

When Braden saw Elsa, he started wiggling until he was out of Jeremy's hold. He then ran to Elsa and hugged her feet tightly.

Elsa picked up the child and asked, "Braden, why are you crying? What happened?"

Braden was quiet, so Elsa said, "Please, tell me?"

The child just hugged Elsa, wrapping his arms around her neck.

Elsa did not know what was going on, and the nanny and Jeremy didn't seem to either.

Not wanting to pressure the baby into talking if he didn't want to, Elsa decided to just comfort him. "Could you bring Braden's blankie?" Elsa asked the nanny.

"His blankie?" Jeremy asked, not understanding.

"Yes, I gave Braden a Pikachu security blanket."

The nanny knew what and where it was and hurriedly went to get it.

Pikachu. That cartoon reminded Jeremy of Elsa every time he saw it. He noticed that Elsa did not have as many Pikachu accessories as she used to.

When the blanket was brought, Elsa wrapped it around Braden. She then asked, "Is that better?" Braden hugged his blanket and nodded. A small smile escaped Elsa as she held the child again and comforted him until he fell asleep.

Once he was asleep, Elsa took him to his bedroom and put him in his bed so he could sleep.

Jeremy watched as Elsa took care of Braden and smiled discreetly.

After Elsa tucked him in, she turned to Jeremy, who was at the door, and said, "Jeremy, you need to take Braden to the hospital. If you can't do it, have someone in your family do it, like your mom maybe. Something is not right with your son. Just listen to me for once, okay?"

Jeremy walked closer to Elsa and asked, "Where did you take my son, Elsa?" That was his response.

Elsa just smiled calmly and said, "I wanted to clear my head, so I went to a quiet place. Braden wanted to go with me, so I let him come along. I hope there isn't a problem, Mr. Callahan."

Jeremy sighed and then smiled. He knew Elsa wouldn't tell him, so he was going to find out on his own. "There is no problem, and don't call me that," Jeremy replied.

"Call you what?" Elsa asked. Not understanding what he meant.

"Mr. Callahan," Jeremy responded bluntly.

Elsa raised her eyebrow amused.
"And why not?" Elsa questioned.

"I love how you say my name. It sounds so nice coming from your lips, being said with your voice. I love hearing you speak, Elsa." He whispered in a voice that was so deep and melodic. Almost dreamily

Elsa felt uncomfortable at Jeremy's words.

She did not want to be around him anymore."If there is no problem, then I'll see you later. I have to go freshen up." She did not wait for his answer and immediately walked away.

Jeremy just smiled at Elsa's retreating back and did not say anything else.

After Elsa left, Jeremy turned to his son. Maybe Elsa was right; he needed to get his son help. Something was not okay. Braden looked so stressed out and scared, which was not usual for a two-year-old toddler. He called Lorna and asked if she could help with Braden.


Jeremy stayed with Braden until he woke up, and when he did, Jeremy asked him how he was doing. He then cleaned him up before feeding him. As he did, he asked Braden where Elsa took him, to which Braden simply replied, "I don't know," before going quiet. Jeremy had no choice but to be okay with that answer.

When he was done feeding Braden, he took him outside to play. He watched the child carefully as they played football together, trying to see if there was anything unusual with him, just as Lorna had told him to do. He observed something about the child that made him want to find Elsa right away. He asked his nanny to look after Braden and continue playing with him, then went into the house to look for Elsa.

To his surprise, he found her in his gym, running on a treadmill. She was wearing a sports bra and biker shorts. Jeremy couldn't help but be surprised. Elsa exercises? Since when?

The more he stared at Elsa, the more changes he saw in her. She looked so different from the Elsa he knew, which made him want to know exactly what had happened to her in the past two years.

After a few minutes, Elsa finally noticed Jeremy in the gym room with her. She turned off the treadmill and took a towel to wipe off her sweat. Jeremy couldn't help but admire Elsa's body. He tried to look away, but he couldn't help himself.

"You know, standing in a corner and staring at a woman while she is exercising is considered creeping," Elsa said as she walked closer to Jeremy.

"Am I not allowed to look at my wife anymore, Mrs. Elsa Callahan?" Jeremy replied with an alluring seductive voice.

Elsa rolled her eyes. She wanted to tell him she wasn't his wife, but she swallowed her words.

Instead, she asked, "Jeremy, do you know where the McConnell Mausoleum is?"

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