chapter 329

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The judgmental looks that were given to Elsa were now being received by Victoria.

Victoria heard everyone in the room talking about her.

“She put the bracelet on Mrs. Elsa Callahan to make her look bad. What a cunning woman.”

“And to think she is the daughter of the McConnells, what a disgrace.”

“What do you expect from someone who has been nothing but a mistress trying to steal Elsa’s husband? Her Twitter is filled with pictures of a child she got from having an affair with a married man.”

Victoria did love to show off Braden on her Twitter and rub it in everyone’s face that that was her and Jeremy’s child

“Yes, I agree. So what if they were engaged before? Jeremy Callahan still chose to marry Elsa and not her. She should not be messing with a married man. That is how a shameless woman with no morals behaves.”

“She must have planted the bracelet to make Elsa Callahan look bad out of jealousy.”

“Yes, I agree. That was clearly her motive. How despicable.”

“I feel bad for Elsa. She had to deal with such a woman clinging on to her husband and making her look bad.”

“Me too. Also, Victoria just made the entire Simba empire look bad by doing such a thing.”

Hearing the name, Elsa Callahan, felt foreign to Elsa. She had never referred to herself as Elsa Callahan. She had no idea others called her by Jeremy’s last name. If this was years ago, she would have smiled at that. But that day, she did not like it.

Hearing such criticism from everyone, Victoria knew she had to do something to remove the blame from herself and throw it back at Elsa. So, she started crying.

“No, I didn’t plant the bracelet on Elsa. I swear it. This video is obviously fake. Elsa has edited it to make me look like a thief.”

She then turned to Rosanna. “Mom, you have to believe me. I didn’t do something like that. I wouldn’t do that. Elsa is framing me to save herself.” She cried helplessly in Rosanna’s chest to gain her mother’s sympathy and protection.

Despite clearly seeing in the video Victoria planting the bracelet on Elsa, Rosanna chose to believe Victoria. She was her precious child she lost and just recovered. How could she not believe her?

“It’s okay, my child. I believe you,” Rosanna comforted her daughter with love in her voice.

She then turned to Elsa in anger. "
“You!... Hmph! You have edited this video to make Vic look bad so you can get out of this mess and drag Victoria into it! You are truly vile. I will not allow you to frame my daughter!”

Elsa chuckled and shook her head. “What a good mother you are, Mrs McConnell. Even with the truth right in front of you, you still choose to believe your daughter is innocent?” Elsa questioned with amusement.

With which Rosanna answered, “I do choose to be believe my daughter. And that is why I will not allow you to slander and frame her! The person in the video could as well be an actress who looks like my Vic. You must have paid her and staged this whole thing. The actress put the bracelet in your pocket and not Victoria.”

Elsa looked at Rosanna with disbelief, was she hearing herself? “So you are saying this video has been edited and Victoria is not the one in that video but an actress?”

“Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. You staged this to make Victoria look bad.”

Elsa suddenly burst out laughing as she shook her head in disbelief. “I’m afraid your daughter has broken your grasp on reality.”

Rosanna felt insulted and wanted to go off on Elsa. “You—”

“This happened less than 10 minutes ago. What time did I have to edit this? Huh?” Elsa asked telling Rosanna some logic.

Seeing Rosanna quiet as she thought of what Elsa had said, Victoria had to jump in immediately before Rosanna believed Elsa.

“Then you must have edited this before coming here. You must have staged this, getting an actress who looks just like me, to create such a scam video,” Victoria argued.

She then looked at Rosanna with expectant eyes, she wanted to Rosanna to back her up.

And Rosanna did not fail her once she saw her daughter looking sad.

She started shouting at Elsa immediately and backed up Victoria.
“Yes, that’s true. This video could have been made for the purpose of framing Victoria. Victoria would never steal a bracelet to frame her,” she turned to Mrs. Smith. “You hear me? Victoria would never steal your bracelet. This is all fake. This video was made to slander my daughter. This is not from tonight but made before.”

Victoria smirked secretly as she kept crying on Rosanna's chest. Rosanna was so easy to manipulate and make protect her. If only she knew that the person she was yelling at was the one she should be protecting and not the other way around.

Those women’s arguments were so disappointing Elsa couldn’t help but shake her head.

“Before, huh? You say that I faked that video before to scam everyone, and it’s a video I made before and had up my sleeve... What am I? A fortune teller? A witch?A prophet?...

“How did I know Victoria was going to want to hug me? How did I know you would be standing near us when she did? How did I know what Victoria was going to wear? How did I know what you are going to wear and how you will style your hair? You are in that video too, standing next to Victoria. Some of the guests in this room are seen passing by in that same video. How did I know what they would wear? Let’s say I happened to have gotten actors that look just like Victoria and you to stage the video with me, did I also get actors who look like so many of the people in this room? Did I also know what they would wear before today and use that? I don’t even know these people. How is it possible for me to access such information? How did I know what you would wear and where you would stand during that bracelet planting, Mrs. McConnell? Are you truly using logic?”

After Elsa said those words, Rosanna and Victoria had nothing more to say. Elsa had scored them.

Seeing them tongue-tied, Elsa smiled triumphantly. She then looked at Victoria and said, “I want an apology from you for trying to frame me just now.”

Victoria looked at her in disbelief. Who does she think she is, asking Victoria for an apology? “You want me to apologize to you?”

Elsa nodded with a happy, mocking smile.

She then added, “Not only are you going to apologize to me for this, but you will also apologize for pulling the same thing on me three years ago.”


Me being sick keeps me in bed all day. The only time I get up is to go to the hospital to get injections. That I flinch and cry before it even happens. Me, the girl who claims she wants tattoos one day, is terrified of needles. Smh!

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