chapter 336

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Keeping Elsa’s words in mind, Jeremy decided to come and pick up his son that afternoon.

He would observe him for a while. If he did not find anything unusual about him, then it would mean Elsa was just worried about nothing.

Jeremy arrived at the school 20 minutes after classes ended for the day. It wasn’t late, but a good number of the children had already been picked up.

Jeremy found the preschool teacher with three students as she waited for their parents. He expected Braden to be among the children, but when he walked over to them, he realized he wasn’t.

“Miss Lockwood,” Jeremy greeted her. Miss Lockwood turned to Jeremy, shook his hand, and asked, “You’re Braden Callahan’s father, am I right? Mr. Callahan.” Jeremy nodded. “Yes, I am.” Miss Lockwood chuckled nervously. “Of course you are. I can see the resemblance from a mile away. That child looks so much like you.”

Jeremy had been told this from the first day the baby was born. Everyone always told him he had his eyes, his face, his smile. Instead of feeling pride, Jeremy felt guilt. It kept reminding him of the children he lost with Elsa. And he knew Braden did not deserve that, but he couldn't help it.

Miss Lockwood was surprised to see Jeremy there. For one, Jeremy had never been the one to pick Braden up, so Miss Lockwood had barely, if ever, seen him. Second, she wondered why he was there in the first place with Braden already gone and could only assume maybe Braden forgot something, so his father came back to collect it. So she waited for Jeremy to inform her of what he wanted.

Jeremy, on the other hand, looked around and asked, “So where is Braden?” He couldn’t spot him anywhere around.

When Miss Lockwood heard that question, she looked at Jeremy confused and said, “Braden was picked up the moment the school bell rang for home.”

Jeremy's eyes widened and he slightly tilted his head. “Picked up? By who?”

“A man who said he was your wife’s chauffeur. When she mentioned your wife’s name, saying she was taking Braden to him, the child got very excited and wanted to go with him, so I assumed he was truly sent to get him.”

Seeing the expression on Jeremy’s face, Miss Lockwood’s face turned pale. “Your wife did not send anyone to pick him up?”

Jeremy just shook his head. He had spent the entire day with Elsa. She left him at home, telling him he was coming to pick up Braden.

“Oh god!” Miss Lockwood exclaimed as her knees felt so weak she almost fell on the floor.

Jeremy’s face remained calm as he tried to figure this all out. Elsa couldn’t have asked someone to pick up Braden without informing him, right? And who would she have sent to pick him up?

Especially after telling Jeremy to keep a close eye on Braden and spend more time with him with fear something was bothering the boy.

Jeremy took out his phone and called the house. The housekeeper picked it up, and he asked her to give Elsa the phone. Something the nanny was quietly listening to.

So as not to sound like he was accusing Elsa of anything, he asked Elsa if she had made any plans with Braden that day.

“No, I haven’t. Why do you ask?” Elsa asked.

“Nothing. Just curious, that’s all,” Jeremy said with a calm voice.

“Okay. Are you on your way back with Braden?”

That was enough for Jeremy to know Elsa did not send for him to be picked up.

“I’ll call you back, okay?” Jeremy hung up after Elsa agreed and turned to the teacher. “Take me to the surveillance room and show me who you gave my son to.”

The nervous Miss Lockwood took Jeremy to the room, and the security guard played the video from the security cameras at the time Braden got picked up. Braden seemed reluctant at first because he did not know the guy, but then he mentioned someone and even showed him a picture of her. The child got very excited and willingly walked over to him. Miss Lockwood felt suspicious at first, but when Braden said he wanted to go with him so he could take him to Elsa, the child agreed.

And then Jeremy recognized the man very well. “Raffi!” He clenched his fist as he said his name. But how would Raffi know that mentioning Elsa would make Braden go with him? How did he know Braden liked Elsa?

Meanwhile... Braden’s nanny, as per Victoria’s orders, which had been paying her well, called the detention center and informed Victoria that Jeremy had called and something seemed to be off with his conversation with Elsa.

“So it did work? Braden agreed to leave with a stranger to see Elsa,” Victoria said as she chuckled. Elsa getting close to Braden while she was away was good after all. It made the child very gullible at the mention of her name.

“Yes, madam. I’m sure you’ll hear good news very soon,” the nanny said as she looked around, making sure no one was near her to hear her conversation.

“Good. Now what I want you to do is call Jeremy’s mother and my mother, Rosanna, and tell them about the kidnapping so they can come to the villa immediately. I want those two there when Jeremy comes back because I want them to give Elsa hell,” Victoria ordered. An order the nanny followed.


Somehow you guys figured that Braden was Elsa's child. I have no idea where you got that. And I don't know if that is true or not. But you want that to be the first thing that's known. But at the same time you want me to progress on the revenge at a flash the superhero speed. Well, maybe Victoria is not like every villain who just confesses. Maybe it requires her back against the wall before anything comes out. She has nothing to gain by simply telling the truth for Elsa's sake, that will be so cliche and unrealistic. Imagine Victoria just waking up right now and confessing all her crimes like she just had a sudden change of heart? That's what you want? Wouldn't  that be lazy writing on my part?

And maybe I am the writer who likes my lead to get revenge on even the slightest harm done on her so I am giving her all the chances to get it.

Maybe it's my fault, maybe I never truly presented the villain as powerful as I imagined them to be. Maybe I made it appear they can be taken out in a day and it doesn't need planning and slow breaking every defense you can to finally get them on their knees. And I am sorry for that. I'll make sure to make that known in the next chapters. Thank you.

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