chapter 333

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It has been two days in the holding center, and Jeremy still hadn’t come to get her. He hadn’t answered any of her calls and pretty much avoided her and Rosanna. This made Victoria feel angry. Without a word from Jeremy, she now had to spend four days in that cell before she got cleared for bail.

And she couldn’t help but blame Elsa.

“Life was so much easier when she was dead, or when Jeremy believed she was Gwen and thought she was evil,” Victoria couldn’t help but complain.

Raffi had come to visit her thinking there was something fun she called him for. Only to end up hearing all of Victoria’s whining. “But you also made Gwen appear worse than she truly was,” Raffi said, rolling his eyes at Victoria.

“Shut up, she deserved it. Just like Elsa did for standing in my way,” Victoria retorted.

Raffi leaned in to the table before asking, “Aren’t you like the lion cub of Simba, or something? Can’t your lioness mother get you out of this?” Raffi asked, looking at Victoria with interest.

“She tried. That’s why I have bail in two days’ time. She and James are not as powerful as Jeremy. If it was Jeremy, I would be out by now,” Victoria explained.

Raffi nodded, understanding everything now. He ran his hands through his long blonde hair before asking, “So now what? You stay put until then?... If so, why did you call me? Or do you want us to reignite our passion and have some fun in the private room?” He bit his lip as he eyed Victoria up and down.

They had their on-and-off relationship, a relationship that had brought Raffi a lot of benefits.

He was the only one who knew Victoria was not as faithful to Jeremy as he had led everyone to believe. Because Victoria cheated on Jeremy with him.

An affair that brought them something unwanted along the way, but Victoria took care of it.

Victoria smirked, “I will have that need satisfied by you some other time,” she said, tracing her finger on Raffi’s hand. She looked around the visitation room and made sure she wasn’t seen by the police doing this. “But right now, I need you to help me get back at Elsa,” Victoria added, retrieving her hand.

Raffi quickly thought of something. “You say that Elsa is on a revenge spree, right? Then let’s use that against her,” Raffi suggested.

Victoria’s eyebrows furrowed as she asked, “How?”

Raffi appeared to be deep in thought before he said, “You told me Elsa lost a pregnancy because of Jeremy, then you orchestrated her losing her second baby, which you blamed on Jeremy. And it’s my understanding that she believed that Jeremy did it...” Raffi paused dramatically for a few seconds. “And you have a child at home who is currently under the same roof as her,”  he added with a mystery in his voice.

Victoria didn’t understand what Raffi was saying, so she asked impatiently, “Where are you going with this? Are you going to share what you’re thinking?”

Raffi chuckled at her anxiousness and decided to explain slowly. “What if we put her in a situation where it looks like she is trying to even the score?”

“Even the score? How?”

“Make it look like Elsa is mad that Jeremy killed her children but let Braden live. So, to make Jeremy feel the same pain she felt losing her children, she tries to kill Braden to get back at Jeremy.”

When Victoria heard that, she smiled. “Right. Jeremy would never forgive her if Braden dies.”

Raffi looked at Victoria with a confused look on his face. That was not what he suggested. “Wait, dies?... You want Braden actually killed?”

He had figured they would pretend he was about to get killed, and that was it.

Victoria’s eyes darkened as an evil grin spread across her face. She nodded. “Yes. You kidnap Braden, act like Elsa sent you. And during that kidnapping, you kill Braden and push the blame on Elsa.”

She said those words with absolutely no emotions or regard for the child she called her son.

She did not care about Braden. He had become useless to her ever since Elsa returned anyway.

Raffi felt reluctant about that, though. Not because he had suddenly developed a conscience, but because he didn’t want to commit a killing that he would be known for and get in trouble with the law. “I don’t want to go to jail for child homicide,” he shook his head at that thought.

Victoria wasn’t going to let her secret boyfriend go to jail. He needed to know that.

“I’m only in jail right now because I didn’t see any of this coming. I wanted to humiliate Elsa, but she turned the tables on me. However, for you, I’ll ensure a perfect getaway and shift all the blame onto Elsa, absolving you of any wrongdoing.” She smiled cunningly and continued, “Trust me, darling, we will have the upper hand in this. Jeremy will believe that Elsa conspired with a criminal to kidnap and kill his son as revenge. Their relationship will be shattered beyond repair. And you, sweetheart, will be generously rewarded by me for your services.”

When Raffi heard this, his eyes darkened. He had some feelings for Victoria. How could he say no to her? Especially after she offered him money?

Victoria held her smile  as she said, “I can’t wait to mourn the death of my son very soon. I even have the perfect black dress for his funeral.” She then burst into hysterical laughter, sounding like a mad hyena.

Raffi joined in and added, “And Elsa too, because Jeremy would undoubtedly bury her alive for this. She deserves it for putting my beloved Vic in jail.”

The evil  secret couple laughed to their heart’s content.

After the evil chuckling subsided, Raffi asked, “So when should I kidnap the boy?”

“It has to be while I’m still in jail, so I can use it to make Jeremy even angrier at Elsa. Maybe have him think Elsa sent me to jail to have easy access to Braden, so she could kill him,” Victoria explained. “I know how you can take him without being noticed. He has half a day of preschool tomorrow, and I’ll help you with how you will pick him up from school.”



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