chapter 354

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Jeremy was seated at his desk in his home office.

He was showing George a video on his laptop, which depicted Victoria framing Elsa with the bracelet.

When George saw this, he was deeply disappointed in Victoria and Rosanna for finding a way to blame the victim.

“If I were Elsa, if that woman were my mother, I would never accept or forgive her. She lacks basic conscience. She only defends Victoria without considering the harm she caused to the other party,” George said with pity in his voice.

He felt sorry for Elsa, that poor child.

Upon hearing his father’s opinion of Rosanna, Jeremy became worried about himself. “What do you think, Dad? If someone asks for forgiveness and they are sincere, will they be forgiven?” Jeremy asked.

George noticed the expression on Jeremy's face, which conveyed regret, fear, and sorrow.

“Jeremy, what exactly do you want to ask Elsa for forgiveness for?”

This question alone indicated that Jeremy had a lot to apologize for.

“Elsa was arrested because of the bracelet incident. She tried so hard to explain to me that she didn’t steal it, but I didn’t believe her. She was even beaten up by the inmates in jail, and I never once took care of her or her injuries. You know what I did instead? She called me late at night asking for a ride home because she didn’t have a car, but I ignored her. She got kidnapped by that Raffi guy. She was traumatized by her experiences, and when I brought her back home, instead of comforting her, I punished her,” Jeremy explained with a strained voice that almost sounded like he was choking.

George listened to Jeremy’s words and didn’t know what to say. Even though Jeremy was his son, if he were Elsa, he wouldn’t agree to take him back.

Perhaps forgiveness could come after he earned it, but getting back together was out of the question.

Because, George also wasn’t sure if Jeremy truly loved Elsa or if he was simply feeling remorseful for his actions, which he was confusing with love.

All this time, Jeremy had claimed to hate Elsa and love Victoria. How was it that he suddenly loved her?

George needed more proof of this love before he could comment on it.

He had initially believed that Jeremy loved Elsa, but hearing what he had done to her, he needed to see that love for himself.

“Jeremy, you have to prove to Elsa that you have changed and that you truly love her,” George advised.

“But how do I do that, Dad?” Jeremy asked.

“Seize the opportunities to prove your love for her when it comes. Make sure you take them and don't give up on her,” George replied.

Jeremy smiled and shook his head. “I wasn’t planning to.”

George patted Jeremy's shoulder with a smile on his face. He then asked, “Did you find her at least? Do you know where she went?”

“With my connections, I traced that flight to the country Coventina. But I have no connections in Coventina to know where it landed.”

That was surprising. “Coventina? What are Elsa and Braden doing there?”

Jeremy shook his head and sighed. “I have no idea. I’ll just have to wait for her to come back so she can explain it to me.” He then said with a determined voice, “And this time, whatever she says, I’ll believe her.”

George sighed, feeling a little bad for his son. He looked stressed out. “Jeremy...”

“But I also have someone investigating Lui. She went to his villa for the flight, maybe they have been talking this whole time.” Jeremy said this, not wanting his father to tell him how sorry he looked.

The mention of Lui made George’s heart skip a beat, or two. He had not seen his son in many years. Something that guilted him.

“Do you think Lui had something to do with Elsa disappearing these past two years?” He asked.

“Probably. I have no idea. But her taking a private jet from his home is suspicious to me.”

They had never really talked about Lui, even before. So this conversation was getting uncomfortable for George.

“Elsa and Lui...” George breathed. “If you find anything, let me know.”

Jeremy understood that George did not want to talk about Lui and was trying to end the subject. He had always wanted to know what happened with Lui many years ago, but he knew now was not the time to ask.

He also had his own troubles to worry about.

After a few minutes of silence, Jeremy asked, “Dad, with all the money the Callahans have, can’t we just pay a bunch of scientists to invent a time machine?”

George couldn’t help but chuckle. Jeremy sounded like a child when he asked that.

“You want to go back in time and stop yourself from hurting Elsa, don’t you?”

Jeremy leaned back in his office chair and stared at the wall. His face dropped into an abyss as he remembered his previous actions against Elsa Halverson.

“Here I am, feeling nothing but regret that torments me even in my sleep. Whenever she is far from me, whenever she isn’t in this house, it stops feeling like home. Even right now, you are right here with me, keeping me company, but I feel alone. Dad, why did I do that? Why didn’t I sit myself down and try to understand my feelings for her? Understand why I got so jealous when I saw her with another man? Understand why it was so hard for her to let her go? Why would I chase after her and bring her back to me when she left? Why didn’t I notice that I loved her? Why is it that instead, I tortured the woman who engraved herself so deeply in my heart until she died? Why did I only realize that I loved her when she was no longer here? Why did I only know what I had when I lost it?”

He listened to his son keenly. George then said something not related to what Jeremy said, “Jeremy, what if there was a way you could get out of this life debt so that nothing can stand in the way of you being with Elsa?”

Jeremy did not understand what George meant, so he said calmly, “I’m already working on it.”

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