chapter 394

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Within the quiet hospital ward, Jeremy stood, watching attentively as Elsa slumbered.

His heart clenched at the raw memory of her almost being taken advantage of mere moments ago.

Taking a tentative step toward Elsa, he slowly reached out his hand. His warm fingertips fell on her brow of their own accord.

He examined her delicate features. She had beautiful round eyes that drew you in when you looked at them. She had a cute little button nose and cheeks that became full when she smiled, making her appear younger than she actually was. Jeremy couldn't forget her cherry pink lips, reminiscent of a briar rose.

She was breathtakingly beautiful, both inside and out.

Elsa was quiet and shy, yet funny and adorable. She was pure and honest.

Everything that was beautiful, was her.


Jeremy gently caressed her cheek as he stared at his love, who was still deeply asleep.

He smiled calmly, feeling lucky in that moment. The dead cannot be brought back to life, but Elsa managed to cheat death and stay alive.

He blamed himself so much when Elsa was away, knowing that he had hurt her for things she didn't do. He felt so guilty and hoped for a chance to make it up to her.

The heavens answered his prayer and brought Elsa back to him so he could atone for his sins against her.

His chest felt heavy, and he no longer wanted to remember how he had hurt Elsa in the past. Every time he did, even breathing and the fact that he was alive felt like a sin. The endless torture he had put Elsa through when she innocently loved him made Jeremy feel even more unworthy of winning her back.

As Elsa dreamt, she found herself in a scene from her childhood when she and Gwen had gone to the seaside.

The sea breeze was salty, but the air was sweet.

Suddenly, the dream shifted to the girls joyriding in a boat. Then, a damaged ship appeared in the sea, about to explode.

The dream shifted again, and Elsa jumped into the sea, swimming towards the small ship.

The water was cold, but she didn't stop. Her eyes were fixed on a boy on the lower open deck.

Everyone had escaped from the small ship, but he had been left behind. He looked hurt, with a bleeding head, holding onto the rails for support as he tried to find safety.

He looked like he could pass out at any moment.

Then, Gwen shouted from behind Elsa, "Angel, don't! The ship looks like it's about to explode. If you go and save him, you are risking your life as well."

She shouted again, "What if you don't get away in time and get caught in the explosion? Elsa, please... Turn around."

Jeremy continued to watch over Elsa when he noticed her hands suddenly and reflexively grip the bedsheets.

She began to mumble while sleep talking, "I have to save him, Gwen. If I don't, that ship will explode and he will die."

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