chapter 315

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“Don’t touch me!” Elsa slapped Jeremy’s hand away.

She slowly got up from the floor as the pain in her brain tumor got less worse.

Braden looked just like Jeremy. His face was just like his. There was no doubt that it was his child. And that fact just made her heart hurt even more.

But he looked so adorable in his own way. Elsa couldn’t hate or judge him just because of who his mother was. She should just keep her distance from him.

When Jeremy saw Elsa in pain, his heart clenched. He tried to help her back on her feet but he was rejected.

Jeremy remembered Elsa had headaches before. And Jeremy found out later, tumors cause strong headaches out of nowhere. Didn’t they remove Elsa’s tumor? Did it relapse?

“Daddy, is Elsa okay?” Braden asked again.

It’s almost like the moment the child mentioned her name, Elsa’s heart would skip a beat. Because for the second time, her heart missed a beat.

Elsa didn’t want to look at Braden and hurt herself even further. So she started walking away.

“Elsa!” Jeremy grabbed her hand to stop her. “You seemed like you were in pain just now, let me take you to the hospital for a check up.”

Jeremy wanted to get a full body scan on her and see if she still had her tumor.

“Jeremy Callahan, if you know what’s good for you, you will let my hand go this instant.”

It was taking everything in Elsa to remain calm at that moment. Everything.

Her first thought the moment she heard Jeremy’s voice was to commit murder and be done with it.

But reason reasserted itself.

She had to remember that she needed Jeremy alive for her to bring him down. She had bid her time until she got what she needed from him.

Without looking at him, Elsa added, “Your child should not see me get ugly. He is too young, protect him from that.”

Elsa then walked out of the living room and to the bar in Jeremy’s house.

Elsa needed to drink. She needed some alcohol in her system before she did something that might ruin her mission.

She went behind the bar counter and searched for the strongest whiskey she could find there. She took it out, opened the bottle and immediately poured a mouthful into her mouth.

She did this three times in a row, just taking big sips.

“Elsa...” she heard someone called for  her softly just as she took her fourth one.

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