chapter 330

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“Three years ago? What are you talking about?” Victoria tried to act innocent and clueless, but she had a very good idea of what Elsa could be talking about.

She was just playing coy.

“In this incident, you can easily say you worked alone. But when you framed me for taking Mrs. Smith's bracelet in this very place three years ago, you worked with Mrs. Smith and got me arrested. You and Mrs. Smith planted the bracelet on me and accused me of stealing it.”

When Mrs. Smith heard that despite putting the blame on Victoria, she was still getting dragged into this, she immediately protested. “What? You liar! I worked with Victoria to steal my own bracelet? Miss Elsa, just because you have been found innocent of this crime doesn't mean you should act like you didn't do the other.”

Elsa looked at Mrs. Smith and narrowed her eyes. “Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. ‘With a wicked tongue, the serpent lied and took their liberty. Through poisonous words, the world knew sin. But my hand will set you free.’ Do you know what that means, Mrs. Smith?”

Elsa  meant that her lies of not being involved would trap her once the truth was out. But not to worry, Elsa would set those lies free with the truth. Mrs. Smith didn’t understand it like that. She instead got angry and screamed, “Did you just call me a serpent?”

Elsa chuckle. “I merely meant that your lies will trap you once the truth is out. So you better tell the truth now about helping Victoria plant a bracelet on me.”

“First of all, Elsa... This video you just showed us is fake. My conscience is clean. And you went to jail for stealing Mrs. Smith’s bracelet, didn’t you? You stole the bracelet.” Victoria said.

When Elsa heard that, she turned to the crowd and said, “A lot of you guests who are here today were there three years ago. You must remember the night that I was accused of stealing a bracelet. The men in blue came and arrested me for it. You all looked at me like some kind of dirty, filthy thief. I am sure you can recall that night.”

She then turned to look at Victoria, then Mrs. Smith. “Well, just like tonight, that night I was framed. I never stole Mrs. Smith’s bracelet; she gave it to Victoria to plant it on me.”

Tension rose in Mrs. Smith’s body. “Lies!” she screamed with a shaky voice.

“You stole my bracelet yourself; I did not aid Victoria to frame you!”

“And I did not frame you, Elsa. Stop lying already,” Victoria cried, putting on a pitiful act. “I never did anything like that. Why do you always insist on lying about me?”

Victoria’s acting had gotten even better with time.

But Elsa was going to let her keep it up. It would only make things worse for her.

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