chapter 331

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Elsa watched as they were taken away from the hotel, feeling pride brewing in her heart.

She had never truly understood why Victoria had transformed her into Gwen. If Jeremy had known she wasn't Gwen, Victoria would have married him three years ago. However, by morphing Elsa into Gwen, Victoria risked not marrying him. Why would she let him believe she was someone else, especially when it meant marrying the man she loved? Why was it so important to her that Jeremy believed she was Gwen? What would him knowing she was Elsa have prevented? That was something she had to find out.

Elsa hadn't forgotten about Esther. She was on the verge of cracking, and Elsa was looking forward to that. She already believed Jenna was the one who beat her up, and she had stayed locked up in her house since then. Her mind was slowly breaking. She was very close to losing her sanity and being clouded by guilt.

Soon, all the Rowlands and McConnells will be like sinners in the hands of an angry god. Elsa was no god, but she planned on punishing them like one.

And Elsa was planning on showing all of them the door to hell herself.

As she kept debating her thoughts on revenge, a voice whispered in her ear.
"I'm proud of you."

She turned around and saw Lui standing next to her, smiling at her.

She smiled back at him, wishing she could hug him, but in a room full of hundreds of eyes, they had no choice but to resort to a handshake.

"First, I have to ask, how is Yuliana?"

"She misses you a lot. She really wanted you to read her a bedtime story."

When Elsa heard that, she felt a little guilty. She hadn't even talked to Yuliana on the phone recently. Being so focused on her revenge, she hadn't made time to hang out with her.

"Maybe you could read her a bedtime story this time."

Lui scratched his head nervously. "I don't know about that, El."

She playfully punched his upper arm and said, "Come on, Lui, you would do an amazing..." she then imitated a deep, scary voice as she said, "...Little pig, little pig. Let me in."

Lui burst out laughing so hard, his eyes got teary. He had missed the times when Elsa would just be funny.

He then used a fake, small soprano, almost like a screeching voice to say, "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin."

Elsa laughed so hard, she started slapping her thighs. Her genuinely laughing had become such a rare thing. "See, you know the words," she said as her laughter died down.

Lui looked at Elsa with love in his eyes. "I can't wait for this all to be over so you can be back in my arms again. God knows how much I can't stand the thought of you being with Jeremy, even for a second."

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