chapter 382

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The next morning, Elsa felt like she needed to work out.

But when she went to the gym, she found Jeremy lifting weights for his arm muscles.

He looked quite a sight, wearing a workout vest, sport shorts, and white sports shoes. His skin was sweaty and his muscles were flexed.

He looked like a whole meal.

He looked attractive, but Elsa didn't want to be in the same room with him because of how touchy he had become since she accepted the ring.
She was afraid he wouldn't keep his hands to himself, even while working out.

So, instead of running on a treadmill, Elsa decided to go for a run around the neighborhood.

Jeremy was busy with his weights, so he didn't see Elsa come in or leave.

Jeremy needed this workout to calm his anger and stress. He even put on some boxing gloves and punched a punching bag for an hour straight. As he recalled what Victoria did to Elsa, his punches got stronger and wilder as his emotions intensified.

He needed some self control before confronting Victoria.

In her workout clothes, Elsa left the villa and went for her run.

She had barely gone far from the villa gates when suddenly, a black van stopped by the side of the road next to her.

Two men in black rushed in front of her and covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief. Elsa struggled for a while trying to fight them before losing consciousness.

Bruno had found photos of the party on the internet and saw that the person in them truly looked like Elsa making him believe Elsa was truly back.

He discovered that Elsa was staying at Jeremy's home and decided to go there and look for her. But when he arrived, he did not expect to see Elsa being kidnapped.


His heart started racing. He ignored everything and slammed on the accelerator to follow the car that was taking Elsa away.

However, the car was driving too fast and running red lights without a care.

Bruno didn't want to lose the car, so he ignored the red lights as well.

However, at that moment, two children in uniform were crossing the road. Bruno slammed on the brakes immediately. He couldn't run over the children, who looked to be no older than 10 years old.

He managed to prevent an accident, but he also lost sight of the car.

He thought about who those people could be, what they would want, and what danger Elsa would face in their hands.

He immediately called the police and pulled some strings to obtain the road CCTV camera footage. He had lost Elsa once before, two years ago. He had thought he had found her, only to lose her again.

But this time, he would not allow anything to happen to her and would do anything in his power to protect her.

"Don't worry, Elsa. You'll be okay. I'll find you and bring you back safely."

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