chapter 385

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Victoria was taken aback by Jeremy's unexpected question about Elsa.

Her heart skipped a beat as she looked into his cold and dark eyes.
"Does this mean you don't want me anymore?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"You were the one who promised to marry me, Jeremy. I-"

Jeremy interrupted her, speaking emotionlessly, "If you want a marriage, I can give you one."

Victoria's eyes lit up with joy. "You mean it? Oh, Jeremy!"

But Jeremy remained indifferent as he continued, "I mean it, just like how I'll mean the divorce right after."

Victoria's smile froze as she heard those words. "Why, Jeremy?" she asked, her voice shaky.

"I said I'd marry you, I never said I'd stay married to you." Jeremy simply stated.

Victoria was left speechless, her face falling to the floor.

Jeremy then gave a dry smile and said, "Meeting you back then was like a blessing. I wouldn't be alive and standing here right now if you hadn't risked your life to save him. I was half-conscious when it happened, I saw you and I immediately liked you. Not because you were saving me, but something just pulled me towards you. My heart just liked you immediately without clearly seeing your face. That is also why I made that promise to you. Yet it took losing her for me to realize that those words were merely said out of infatuation during a relationship that was more like puppy love. It took losing her for me to realize what true love felt like."

Victoria's face paled, the blood draining from it. The 'her' Jeremy was talking about was obviously Elsa.

The expression of unbearable pain on her face made Jeremy slightly reluctant as he remembered the scene from his youth where she had risked her own safety for his sake.

However, his eyes quickly turned cold again as he recalled everything Elsa had gone through.

Victoria may have been kindhearted as a child, but it seemed that had changed as she grew up.

Jeremy's gaze bore into Victoria, his eyes like a whirlpool that made her breathing hitch. "So yes, we can get married. But I don't love you, so you'll only be in pain."

"No! That can't be!" Victoria's eyes filled with refusal.

"But it is. Even when I marry you, Victoria, it will just be you living with a man who has no feelings for you whatsoever."

Jeremy had found a place where he felt his heart belonged and didn't want to leave. That was where his feelings were.

Victoria couldn't accept that Jeremy didn't love her. She refused to believe it. "You've never loved another woman, Jeremy! I'm the one you love! You're just sorry for what you did to Elsa. You don't love her. You don't! I won't have it!"

Victoria wailed heart-wrenchingly, tightening her grip on Jeremy's hand. She was about to say more when Jeremy's phone rang.

The caller ID showed an unknown number. While Jeremy usually didn't answer calls from unknown numbers, his desire to rid himself of Victoria was greater.

He picked up the phone and was met with Bruno's anxious and accusatory tone. "It was you again, wasn't it, Jeremy Callahan? How much more do you want to torture Elsa? Do you want to kill her for the second time? Huh?... Tell me where you took her!"

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